Court of Appeals Slip Opinions

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Filed: 19 December 2017
Mandate: 8 January 2018
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Azar v. Town of Indian Trail Bd. of Adjustment  (17-704 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
NCGS 160A-393 judicial review; motion to dismiss; failure to name a necessary party; proper respondent; special use permit
Ecoplexus Inc. v. Cty. of Currituck  (17-656 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Solar farm; use permit; prima facie showing; harmonious use; rebuttal evidence.
In re: R.S.M.  (17-499 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
subject matter jurisdiction; clerical error
Lasecki v. Lasecki  (17-79 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Unincorporated Separated Agreement; Child Support; Alimony; Changed Circumstances; Employment; Motion to Reopen the Evidence; Specific Performance; Contract
Little River, LLC v. Lee Cty.  (17-461 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
special use permit; prima facie showing; standing; de novo and whole record review; sufficiency of the evidence.
McVicker v. Bogue Sound Yacht Club, Inc.  (17-447 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Planned Community Act (PCA) NCGS 47F-1-101 et seq.; posting a bond; restrictive covenants; power to fine under the PCA; mootness; summary judgment; Homeowners' Associations.
Mid-Am. Apartments, L.P. v. The Block At Church Street Owners Ass'n, Inc.  (16-819 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Illegal Contracts; Permanent Injunction; Summary Judgment; Easements
Mkt. Am., Inc. v. Lee  (17-342 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Voluntary dismissal; bad faith; interlocutory appeal; covenant not to compete
The NC State Bar v. Foster  (17-443 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Attorney discipline; magistrates as judicial officers; meaning of tribunal; conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice; N.C. Rules of Professional Conduct 3.5(a)(4)(B) and 8.4(d)
The NC State Bar v. Livingston  (17-277 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Rules of Professional Conduct; Disciplinary Hearing
Proffitt v. Gosnell  (17-233 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Summary Judgment - Contributory Negligence and Last Clear Chance
Ring v. Moore Cty.  (16-1034 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Standing for an adjacent landowner's challenge to a rezoning ordinance
State v. Barker  (17-97 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Rule 702; Admissibility of HGN test results; Daubert Standard
State v. Fuller  (17-692 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
4th Amendment; warrantless search of defendant's person; search incident to arrest; motion to suppress; plain error review; new argument on appeal not considered by trial court.
State v. Malloy  (17-408 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Hit and Run Resulting in Death; Hit and Run Resulting in Injury; Lesser Included Offense
State v. Pena  (16-1075 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Sixth Amendment right of counsel, clear and unequivocal waiver required, knowing and voluntary waiver of right to counsel, misconduct
State v. Santifort  (17-202 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Rule 60(b) motion; special proceedings; Rule 24 motion to intervene; subject matter jurisdiction
Tillett v. Town of Kill Devil Hills  (17-433 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Public Record Request; No Jurisdiction; Jurisdictional vs. Procedural Rules
Walton NC, LLC v. The City of Concord  (17-822 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Re-zoning; common law vested rights; expired plat approval, development agreements.
Wilson v. SunTrust Bank  (17-482 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Trial court presumed to have jurisdiction
WLAE, LLC v. Edwards  (17-154 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Prejudicial effect of appeal dismissal on subsequent appeal; Rule 12(b)(1); subject matter jurisdiction; standing; Rule 17(a); substitution; ratification
Unpublished Opinions
19 December 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 8 January 2018 

Ball v. Cogdill (17-409 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Lease; Year-to-year tenancy; Notice; Summary ejectment
Bernard v. DeBlanco (17-659 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
summary ejectment
Fisher v. United Cont'l Holdings, Inc. (16-1210 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Workers Compensation, death proximately related to compensable injury, causally related to workplace injury
Fuller v. Fuller (17-430 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Record on Appeal
In re Medlin (17-784 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Involuntary commitment; mentally ill; dangerous to self
In re T.S.P. (17-653 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Involuntary Commitment Standards; Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity; Effect of Vacated Criminal Judgment
Jenkins v. Thomas (17-224 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
License revocation; Superior Court review; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 20-16.2(e).
Mills v. Davis (16-737 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Modification of Child Custody and Child Support; Contempt; Jurisdiction; Attorney?s Fees
Owen v. Davis (17-143 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Child Sexually Abused; Custody to Mother.
Pair v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hosp. Auth. (17-586 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
costs; involuntary dismissal; Rule 58; estoppel
State v. Bayse (17-528 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Evidentiary motions, Post-conviction DNA Testing, Anders briefing
State v. Blakeney (17-395 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Motion to Dismiss, Communicating Threats, Indirect versus Direct Threats, Subjective Belief
State v. Boney (17-549 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Kidnapping, Assault on a Female, Motion to Dismiss
State v. Borsello (17-40 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Possession of a firearm by a felon; Prior inconsistent statements; Collateral matters; Invited error
State v. Brooks (17-279 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Motion to preserve evidence for post-conviction DNA testing; whether motion functions as an MAR.
State v. Chancellor (16-993 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
notice of appeal
State v. Dixon (17-25 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Acting in Concert; Jury Instruction; Assault with a Deadly Weapon
State v. Figueroa (17-363 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Driving while impaired; propriety of prosecutor?s closing argument.
State v. Floyd (17-613 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Post-conviction DNA Testing, Timely appeal, Repeat hearing
State v. Fox (17-355 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
PWC; Alford Plea;No Factual Basis.
State v. Lane (17-451 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Trafficking in Opium; Jury Instructions; Defense of Lawful Possession by Valid Prescription; Plain Error Review
State v. Lane (17-435 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Ineffective assistance of counsel; felony larceny.
State v. Leistra (17-187 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Failure to return semiannual verification notice for sex offender registration; requirement that a defendant actually receive the verification form in order to be convicted for failure to return the form.
State v. Marshall (17-749 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Misdemeanor assault, No contest, Anders briefing, statutory right, Prior record level calculation
State v. Matthews (17-349 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; Lawyer's Admission of Guilt.
State v. Mayes (17-621 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Rule 702; expert testimony
State v. Mitchell (17-369 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Fatal Indictment; Motion to Suppress; Delayed Traffic Stop.
State v. Perry (17-223 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Hearsay Exception; Confrontation Clause; Motion to Continue to Locate and Subpoena a Witness; Motion to Dismiss
State v. Shields (17-69 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Jury instructions; Duress; Lesser-included offense; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-54.
Warner v. Warner (17-421 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Alimony Award.

Filed: 5 December 2017
Mandate: 28 December 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Chapel H.O.M. Assocs., LLC v. RME Mgmt., LLC  (16-1030 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Lease renewal; Motion to dismiss; Equitable estoppel; Unfair and deceptive trade practices; Declaratory judgment
Hall v. U.S. Xpress, Inc.  (17-333 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Workers' Compensation: timeliness of claim under N.C. Gen. Stat. 97-24(a)(ii); disabled claimant's contribution to handicapped accessible housing
Hampton v. Cumberland Cty.  (16-704 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Zoning; Writ of Certiorari from Board of Adjustment; N.C. Gen. Stat. 153A-340; Bona Fide Farm Exemption; Scope of Appellate Review
Hawkins v. Wilkes Reg'l Med. Ctr.  (16-893 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
NCGS 97-97; jurisdiction - named insurer
In re: J.S.K. & J.E.K.  (17-486 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to terminate parental rights; Sufficient facts
McDowell v. Randolph Cty.  (17-401 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Re-zoning; relocation of improvements on approved site plan; valid statement of consistency, NCGS 153-341; spot zoning.
McKinney v. Duncan  (17-565 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Order not entered until filed with Clerk of Court
State v. Burwell  (17-89 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Assault on a law enforcement officer inflicting serious bodily injury; objective probable cause to arrest
State v. Emigh  (17-148 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Unlawfully taking deer with assistance of artificial lighting; Jury instructions
State v. Goodman  (16-1263 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Jury request to question trial witnesses; failure to preserve issue for appellate review; failure to demonstrate case warrants invoking Appellate Rule 2
Thompson v. Speller  (17-416 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Action to confirm arbitration award; appropriateness of pre-award interest, costs, and post-award/pre-judgment interest.
Unpublished Opinions
5 December 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 28 December 2017 

Aoun & Cole, Inc. v. Fitzpatrick (17-240 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Rule 60(b)(1); Rule 60(b)(6); excusable neglect; failure to appear; default judgment; extraordinary circumstances existing and whether justice is best served by affording relief; liquidated damages awarded despite failure to plead in complaint
Baxley v. Baxley (17-463 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Child Custody; Denial of Visitation Rights; Waiver of Constitutional Argument
Cabrera v. City of Durham (17-617 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Directed verdict; Judgment notwithstanding; Motion for new trial; Jury compromise; Inconsistent verdict
Fed. Nat'l Mortg. Ass'n v. Price (17-672 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to strike; Motion to dismiss; Abandoned argument
Freeman v. N.C. Dep't of Health & Hum. Servs. (17-299 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
failure to file notice of appeal
In re A.L.Z. (17-507 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
TPR; neglect; GAL
In re C.L.C. (17-522 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Termination of Parental Rights
In re J.C. (17-548 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Neglect; Substantial Risk of Harm; Visitation
In re K.Q. (17-533 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Termination of parental rights; subject matter jurisdiction; verified petition; prior neglect; repetition of neglect; best interest determination
In re K.R.T. (17-587 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
3.1; TPR
In re L.G.S. (17-599 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Termination of Parental Rights
In re S.F.-H. (17-381 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Termination of Parental Rights; Neglect; Dependency
In re T.M.B. (17-484 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Termination of parental rights; challenge to best-interest determination
Jacobs-Sams v. Duke Univ. Med. Ctr. (17-298 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Workers' Compensation
Martin v. Scardina (17-52 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Appellant's burden to show error; role of the appellate court; issue abandonment
Riggsbee v. Taylor (17-560 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
workers compensation, no notice of appeal
State v. Blackmon (17-397 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Anders & Kinch
State v. Cook (17-610 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Anders brief, driving while impaired
State v. Costin (17-521 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury, jury verdicts not fatally inconsistent
State v. Green (17-375 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
plain error, evidence of other crimes or bad acts
State v. Harrington (17-362 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
robbery with a dangerous weapon, request for extraordinary mitigation, no abuse of discretion
State v. Johnson (17-670 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
First-degree murder; premeditation and deliberation; sufficiency of the evidence.
State v. Locklear (17-310 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Anders brief, motion to suppress
State v. Melgar-Argueta (17-434 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Sex offense, NCGS 14-27.30(a)(2015); surplusage in indictment; jury instructions; plain error review.
State v. Miles (17-494 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Felony Marijuana Possession; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; Failure to Make Motion to Suppress Confession; Conditional Discharge Under N.C. Gen. Stat. 90-96(a)
State v. Pegram (17-566 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Post-conviction DNA testing
State v. Tart (17-561 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Fatal Indictment; Closing Arguments.
State v. White (17-530 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
robbery with a dangerous weapon

Filed: 21 November 2017
Mandate: 11 December 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Beroth Oil Co. v. NC Dep't of Transp.  (17-74 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Interlocutory; Title and area taken; Sovereign immunity; Inverse condemnation
Brown v. NC Dept. of Pub. Safety  (16-1298 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Subject matter jurisdiction; N.C. Gen. Stat. 126-34.02; Whistleblower grievance
Buysse v. Jones  (17-419 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
restrictive covenants; construction of ambiguous terms, plain language, unrecorded survey; un-executed document.
In re: Davis  (15-882-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Eugenics, Constitutional Claim, Industrial Commission, Agency Decision, Appellate Rule 10, In re Redmond, Jurisdiction, Discretion
In re: H.L.  (17-302 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Child Custody; Guardianship; Permanency Planning; Reunification
In re: House  (15-879-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Eugenics, Remand to Consider Constitutional Claim, Supreme Court Mandate
In re: R.D.H., III  (17-383 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights, failure to pay reasonable portion of costs, abandonment, neglect, failure to make reasonable progress
Johnston v. Johnston  (16-641 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
motion to dismiss, first filed prior pending action
Ke v. Zhou  (16-1297 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
breach of contract, fraud, reasonable reliance, UDTPA; entry of default by clerk of court; representation of a corporation by a non-lawyer
Nationwide Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co. v. Smith  (17-283 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
N.C. Gen. Stat. ? 20-279.21; underinsurance motorist insurer; right to assert claim for contribution
Ocracomax, LLC v. Davis  (17-608 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Attorney?s Fees, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 47C-4-117 (2015), Law of the Case doctrine
Plum Props., LLC v. Holland  (17-50 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
summary judgment; liability for failing to exercise reasonable control over a child's behavior; genuine issues of material fact
State v. Allbrooks  (16-741 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
corroborative testimony, lesser included offense
State v. Cox  (17-188 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
First degree murder; Second degree murder; AWDWIKISI.
State v. Diaz  (17-444 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy (View Supreme Court Opinion)
right to a fair trial; right against self-incrimination; abduction of a child
State v. Fernandez  (17-322 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Felon possesses firearm in violation of Statute. Constitutional issue.
State v. Harris  (17-346 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Testimony about street gangs
State v. Hayes  (17-46 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
DWI; expert testimony; Rule 702 and Daubert Fit Test; retrograde extrapolation; prejudicial error
State v. Monroe  (17-538 - Published)   Author: Per Curiam
PWC; motion to dismiss appeal; guilty plea
State v. Payne  (16-1193 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Not guilty by reason of insanity; Competency; Fundamental Right; Plea; Sixth Amendment; N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-959
State v. Peace  (17-62 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Ineffective assistance of counsel; Closing argument
State v. Spinks  (17-413 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
statutory sex offense and statutory rape; Rule 403 and 404(b) prior bad acts; expert testimony; vouching for credibility of victim; IAC claim; lifetime SBM.
Surgical Care Affiliates, LLC v. NC Indus. Comm'n  (17-78 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Industrial Commission; Enabling Legislation; Statutory Interpretation
Unpublished Opinions
21 November 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 11 December 2017 

Chatham Forest Homeowners Ass'n, Inc. v. Phil Stone Homes, Inc. (17-417 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Summary Judgment; Planned Community Development; Application of Declaration of Covenants
Estate of Peyton v. N.C. Dep't of Transp. (17-257 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Industrial Commission; Preservation of Argument; Sovereign Immunity; Tort Claims Act; Negligence
In re Colvard (15-923-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Eugenics, Constitutional Claim, Industrial Commission, Agency Decision, Appellate Rule 10, In re Redmond, Discretion
In re L.C. (17-589 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Termination of Parental Rights; Neglect
In re Ware (15-909-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Eugenics, Constitutional Claim, Industrial Commission, Agency Decision, Appellate Rule 10, In re Redmond, Jurisdiction, Discretion
In re X.L.S. (17-590 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights, neglect, likely repetition of neglect
In re Zimmerman (15-937-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Eugenics, Constitutional Claim, Industrial Commission, Agency decision, Appellate Rule 10, In re Redmond, Jurisdiction, Discretion
Medlin v. Medlin (17-425 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Equitable Distribution, Marital Property, Valuation of Marital Property, Fair Market Value
Plasman v. Decca Furniture (USA), Inc. (17-358 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Impermissible interlocutory appeal dismissed; order requiring telephonic rather than in-person participation at company member meetings did not implicate a substantial right
Pressley v. Jones (17-445 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Child Custody; Child Visitation; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 50-13.2(a)
State v. Dale (17-320 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Probation Violation; Monetary Conditions; Failure to Comply with Payment Schedule
State v. Farrar (17-215 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Felony breaking or entering; Jury instruction Lesser Included Offense
State v. Freeman (17-347 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
N.C. Rules Evid. 403 & 404(b); Sentencing; Calculation of Prior Record Level
State v. Gardner (17-511 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Jury Instructions; Defense of Coercion or Duress
State v. Gore (17-267 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Motion to dismiss for insufficient evidence; Motion for a mistrial
State v. Griffin (17-373 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Reasonable Suspicion, Consensual Encounter, Extended Duration of Stop
State v. Hair (17-330 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Corpus Delecti; Possession of Firearm Felon
State v. McCurry (17-169 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to dismiss for insufficiency of the evidence; second degree murder; exclusive custody of child victim before death; juror misconduct; ineffective assistance of counsel; preservation issues; classification of prior conviction for drug paraphernalia; possession of drug paraphernalia pertaining to marijuana
State v. Mosby (16-1295 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Plea agreement unlawful because purported to preserve right to appeal issue that was appealable as a matter of right
State v. Reaves (17-316 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
State's circumstantial evidence sufficient to withstand motion to dismiss
State v. Scogins (17-526 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Anders brief
State v. Singleton (17-392 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Defendant's probation improperly revoked based on absconding; underlying offenses committed prior to effective date of statute that made absconding a condition of probation
State v. Womble (17-572 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Motion to dismiss based on failure to prove specific element did not preserve insufficient evidence argument as to different element not asserted at trial

Filed: 7 November 2017
Mandate: 27 November 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Atl. Coast Props., Inc. v. Saunders  (17-472 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Summary judgment; Failure to affirmatively aver legal capacity to sue; Standing
Booker v. Strege  (16-698 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
substantial change of circumstance, modification of child custody
Booth v. Hackney Acquisition Co.  (17-274 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
constitutional challenge; bar date; statute of repose
Cooper v. Berger  (17-367 - Published)   Author: Per Curiam (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Facial constitutional challenge; presumed validity; proof beyond a reasonable doubt; Advice and Consent; separation of powers; 3-judge superior court panel; summary judgment.
State v. J.C.  (17-207-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Appeal by the State from an order of expunction of criminal charges; statute permitting the State to appeal (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-1445)
Hairston v. Harward  (16-570 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud (View Supreme Court Opinion)
waiver of right of subrogation, credit against judgments, motion to take depositions post verdict, no abuse of discretion
In re: L.T.  (17-235 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Voluntary admission of minors to inpatient facility; motion to dismiss based on violation of procedural due process rights during initial admissions; subject matter jurisdiction; written and signed admission authorization form; verbal consent of legally responsible person; minor's consent to his admission
In re: N.J.  (17-236 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Voluntary admission of minors to inpatient facility; motion to dismiss based on violation of procedural due process rights during initial admissions; subject matter jurisdiction; written and signed admission authorization form; verbal consent of legally responsible person; minor's consent to his admission
In re: P.S.  (17-234 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Voluntary admission of minors to inpatient facility; motion to dismiss based on violation of procedural due process rights during initial admissions; subject matter jurisdiction; written and signed admission authorization form; verbal consent of legally responsible person; minor's consent to his admission
In re: R.J.  (17-237 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Voluntary admission of minors to inpatient facility; motion to dismiss based on violation of procedural due process rights during initial admissions; subject matter jurisdiction; written and signed admission authorization form; verbal consent of legally responsible person; minor's consent to his admission
Schneider v. Schneider  (16-920 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
attorney fees
State v. Armistead  (17-323 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Speedy trial right; Motion to dismiss; No error
State v. Everrette  (17-88 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Invalid indictments; obtaining property by false pretenses; insufficiently particular description of property
State v. Faulk  (17-194 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Duress as defense to first-degree murder; Repetitious photographs; Motion to suppress; Inadequate conclusions of law
State v. Jones  (17-193 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Prior Acquittal, Collateral Estoppel
State v. Malone  (16-1290 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr. (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Denial of Motion to Suppress in Court; Identification Testimony.
State v. Mayo  (17-340 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
habitual impaired driving; revocation of probation
State v. McPhaul  (16-924 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Sufficiency of search warrant affidavit; N.C. Gen. Stat. 8C-1, Rule 702; multiple assaults
State v. Parker  (17-108 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
4th Amendment; Search and Seizure; Reasonable, Articulable Suspicion; Consent
State v. Rogers  (17-271 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Guilty Plea; Petition for Writ of Certiorari; Rule 2; Rule 21; Appeal
State v. Sawyers  (16-1296 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Corpus delicti rule; Constructive possession; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 90-113.22A.
State v. Simmons  (17-155 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Impermissible amendment to indictment; amending drug indictment from heroin to opiates; heroin/opiates distinction
State v. Squirewell  (17-497 - Published)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
DWI; evidence-foundation; motion to dismiss; constructive possession
State v. Stimpson  (17-226 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Motion to dismiss; multiple conspiracies; serious of random victims; question for the jury; sufficiency of the evidence
State v. Wilkes  (17-208 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Motion to Suppress; Probable Cause for Arrest
Trejo v. NC Dep't of State Treasurer Ret. Sys. Div.  (16-1182 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Long-Term Disability Benefits for State Employees; Recoupment of Overpayment; Social Security Disability Offset
Unpublished Opinions
7 November 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 27 November 2017 

Alday v. Alday (17-485 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
alimony; dependent spouse; attorney's fees
Bridgers v. Woodruff (17-593 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Rule 12(b)(6); standing
Brown v. N.C. Dep't of Pub. Instructions (17-276 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Industrial Commission; Subsequent Injuries; Governing Law.
Brungard v. Canestorp (17-503 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Promissory Note: Presentment & Dishonor.
Comstock v. Comstock (17-179 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Personal Jurisdiction, Protective Order, Domestic Violence, Inconvenient Forum, Motion to Dismiss, Preservation and Waiver, Advisory Opinion
Griffith v. N.C. Prisoner Legal Servs., Inc. (17-490 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
subject matter jurisdiction; Rule 12(b)(6); access to courts
In re A.C-H. (17-466 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Respondent-mother appeals from the trial court's adjudication and disposition orders terminating her parental rights to her son
In re E.D.B. (17-476 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Termination of parental rights
In re E.J.V. (17-365 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Motion to dismiss; Mootness
In re G.P. (17-414 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Custody, Guardian, Juveniles, Competent Evidence, Domestic Violence, Termination of Parental Rights, Findings of Fact
In re L.D.P. (17-325 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights
In re N.J.P. (17-532 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
In re S.A. (17-387 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Permanency Planning; Child Custody; Americans with Disabilities Act; Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Termination of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction
In re S.L.B. (17-280 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Dependency; Termination of Parental Rights; Appropriate Alternative Child Care Arrangement
In re Z.E.B. (17-382 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Termination of Parental Rights - Neglect
In re Z.M.S. (17-356 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Termination of Parental Rights; Failure to Make Reasonable Progress; Mental Health; Substance Abuse
Kyles v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (17-594 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Workers' Compensation; injury by accident; stipulated medical records; post hoc, ergo propter hoc; remand for findings of fact
Metcalf v. Call (17-418 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Indigence, Writ of Recordari, Civil Procedure, Subject-Matter Jurisdiction, Recusal, Child Custody
Pitts v. Tart (17-232 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Interlocutory, Entry of Default, Motion to Set Aside, Good Cause
Serenity Counseling & Res. Ctr., Inc. v. Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Sols. (17-439 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Breach of contract; Unfair and deceptive trade practices; Motion to dismiss
State v. Battle (16-533 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Self Defense; Aggressor theory; Transferred intent
State v. Brinkley (16-572 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Rule 401, relevancy
State v. Byrd (17-288 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Anders brief, pro se motions, stand-by counsel, grand jury indictment, plain error.
State v. Casey (17-263 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Traffic Stop, Extended Detention, Consent, Search
State v. Farrow (17-517 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Satellite-based Monitoring; Reasonableness Hearing
State v. Franks (17-391 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Death by vehicle/serious injury by vehicle; intoxication; motion to dismiss- sufficiency of the evidence; proximate cause; restitution.
State v. Goodnight (17-479 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Possession of stolen property; denial of motion to dismiss
State v. Holliday (17-374 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
hearsay; adoptive admission
State v. Martin (17-462 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
NCGS 15A-1223(a) Jury Request, no prejudice shown; Lapsus Linguae in jury instructions, plain error review. Ineffective assistance of counsel, motion for appropriate relief.
State v. Walker (17-357 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Failure to instruct jury; costs and attorney?s fees as a civil judgment; habitual impaired driving

Filed: 17 October 2017
Mandate: 6 November 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Bradley v. Bradley  (16-1303 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Personal jurisdiction; marriage and divorce of parties that were married in NC but never lived in this state; international lifestyle and parties living abroad
In re: M.B., A.B., & E.B.  (17-198 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
termination of parental rights; neglect
Moriggia v. Castelo  (16-444 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
family law, standing, motion to dismiss, acts inconsistent with parental status
Parker v. Desherbinin  (17-377 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Adverse possession under color of title, NCGS 1-38(a). Adverse possession under 20 years continuous use, NCGS 1-40. Findings of fact not supported by competent evidence. Lappage. Conclusions of law de novo review.
Riddle v. Buncombe Cty. Bd. of Educ.  (16-1155 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Negligent infliction of emotional distress; Foreseeability; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 1A-1, Rule 12(b)(6).
State v. Brawley  (17-287 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Indictment, Larceny, Identifying the Victim, Fatal Error
State v. Curry  (16-1113 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
First degree murder; Motion to withdraw; Ineffective assistance of counsel
State v. Dunston  (16-1254 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr. (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Motion to dismiss; Maintaining vehicle for keeping or selling controlled substances; Totality of the circumstances.
State v. Madonna  (16-1300 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
First-degree murder; motions to dismiss; premeditation, deliberation, and self-defense; improper closing argument.
State v. Meadows  (16-1207 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Sentencing Hearing; Rule 10(a)(1); State v Canady; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; Prejudice
State v. Mosley  (17-345 - Published)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
second degree murder; malice; sentencing
Tigani v. Tigani  (17-82 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Contempt order not supported by competent evidence
Unpublished Opinions
17 October 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 6 November 2017 

Aragon v. Legacy Imps., Inc. (17-339 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
voidable transaction; fraudulent conveyance; reasonably equivalent value
Avis Rent A Car Sys., LLC v. Andrews (16-1054 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Boldon v. Boldon (17-170 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Divorce, Equitable Distribution and Alimony Awards.
Boone v. Hayes-Boone (17-312 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Termination of visitation rights; child custody; findings of fact; recitation of witness testimony; sufficiency of evidence; sufficiency of findings of fact
Brewer v. First Stop Core & Battery, LLC (17-424 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
workers' compensation
Drury v. Drury (17-273 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Equitable distribution; Rule 60(b)
Lasecki v. Lasecki (17-544 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
contempt; purge; ability to pay; medical insurance
Lopez v. Lopez (17-10 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
permanent child custody; sufficiency of findings supporting best-interests determination; failure to make findings reflecting that the court considered and isolated domestic incident between parents under N.C. Gen. Stat. 50-13.2(a) did not require remand for entry of such findings.
Martin v. Orange Water & Sewer Auth. (17-242 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Workers' Compensation - arising out of and in the course of employment
Moore v. Moore (16-1160 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Custody; Uninsured medical expenses
State v. Bell (17-361 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
motion to dismiss; jury instruction; lesser included offense; closing arguments; second-degree burglary
State v. Bobich (17-145 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Motion to suppress; reasonable suspicion to make an investigatory stop.
State v. Bradshaw (17-196 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Request for new court-appointed counsel, no conflict of interest shown
State v. Davis (17-109 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Jury, Discharging Firearm, Sentencing, Occupied Dwelling, Consecutive Sentences, Abuse of Discretion, General Intent, Sufficient Evidence
State v. Faulk (17-429 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Forfeiture of counsel; Material change in circumstances; Admission of evidence; Corrective instruction.
State v. Hurley (16-1202 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Probation revocation; NC Gen. Stat. § 15A-1343(b)(3a); absconding probation supervision
State v. McKoy (17-107 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Probation revocation hearing; due process violation; abuse of discretion; ineffective assistance of counsel; mental health evaluation
State v. Rose (17-190 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Right to remain silent; Improper closing arguments; Motion for appropriate relief; Improper jury instruction
State v. Sing (17-296 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to dismiss possession of firearm by felon conviction; substantially similar out-of-state convictions under NC Gen. Stat. § 14-415; relevant version of out-of-state statute for substantial similarity is version under which defendant was convicted
State v. Taylor (16-1291 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Exclusion of evidence; Cumulative evidence; Jury instructions; Coercion; Oral findings.
State v. White (16-945 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Superseding indictment; Fatal variance

Filed: 3 October 2017
Mandate: 23 October 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Discovery Ins. Co. v. The NC Dep't of Ins.  (17-285 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Risk of loss for fraud by employee; statutory authority of reinsurance facility; fidelity losses arising out of claims handling; standard of review of Commissioner's decision; equitable estoppel and defenses; pre-hearing discovery, NCGS 58-37-65
Green v. Green  (16-1102 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Deferred compensation; equitable distribution; alimony; earning capacity vs. current actual income
Holmes v. Sheppard  (17-125 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Negligence, duty of care, negligent misrepresentation
State v. Bethea  (17-459 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Sex offender registration; substantive due process; ex post facto law; Adam Walsh Act; removal from registry; NCGS 14-208.12A
NC Farm Bureau Mut. Ins. Co., Inc. v. Phillips  (16-620 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
declaratory judgment, insurance coverage
State v. Bishop  (17-55 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Unpreserved Grady issue; untimely appeal; petition for a writ of certiorari
State v. Chestnut  (16-1310 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 15A-544.5 - reasons for setting aside bond forfeiture
State v. Greene  (17-311 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Fourth Amendment, Search and Seizure, Remedies, Sexual Offenses, Indecent Liberties, Sentencing, Satellite-Based Monitoring
State v. Hinnant  (16-1293 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 544.5(f) - bail bond forfeiture - actual notice of defendant's prior failures to appear
State v. Knight  (17-19 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forgeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Messer  (16-1174 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Corpus Delicti; Probable Cause.
State v. Walker  (17-58 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Motion to supress; informant's tips; reasonable suspicion
Swan Beach Corolla, L.L.C. v. Cty. of Currituck  (16-804 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Abuse of discretion; Reversal of motion to set aside entry of default; Showing of good cause
Watauga Cty. v. Beal  (16-1226 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Service of Process; Due Diligence; Publication; Foreclosure
Unpublished Opinions
3 October 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 23 October 2017 

Bartlett v. Bartlett (17-248 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
child custody order
Brady v. Best Buy Co., Inc. (17-315 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
workers' compensation; expert testimony
Gyedu-Saffo v. Duncan (17-86 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Child Support, Child Custody, Alimony, Third-Party Contributions, Gross Income
In re M.D.H. (17-326 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Termination of parental rights; sufficiency of evidence; best interests analysis
In re T.R.K. (17-303 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Involuntary commitment; Waiver of Counsel; Rules of the Office of Indigent Defense Services
Kedar v. Patel (16-781 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Sanctions; Lesser sanctions
McKinnon v. McKinnon (17-152 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to set aside judgment; Notice of appeal; Notice of hearing
Moore v. McKenzie (17-53 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Contractually binding wills; Mutual wills
Perry v. W. Marine, Inc. (17-243 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Rule 12(b)(6); wrongful discharge under NCGS 143-422.2; negligent infliction of emotional distress; civil assault, motion to amend complaint.
State v. Barnes (17-14 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Barnes (17-15 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Bowens (16-1312 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C. Gen. Stat. 15A-544.5 - reasons for setting aside bond forfeiture
State v. Butler (17-144 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Assault with a firearm on a law enforcement officer; substantial alteration of the indictment
State v. Bynum (17-4 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Bynum (17-5 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Cannon (17-17 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permittted
State v. Clyburn (17-258 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Robbery with a dangerous weapon; sufficiency of the evidence.
State v. Dejesus (16-1326 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Eaves (17-159 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Investigatory Stop; Seizure; Frisk; Fourth Amendment; Search
State v. Elliott (17-338 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
habitual felon; ineffective assistance of counsel; plea agreement
State v. Gardner (16-1089 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Possession of burglary tools; subject matter jurisdiction; facial validity of charging instruments; motion for appropriate relief
State v. Gomez (16-1327 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Harrison (17-16 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Holloman (16-658 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
HGN test, Rule 702
State v. Isom (17-24 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Motion to Dismiss; Constructive Possession.
State v. Jackson (17-250 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Operating a motor vehicle to elude arrest; defense of necessity
State v. McDonald (17-246 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
jury instruction; flight
State v. Mercer (16-1314 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 15A-544.5 - reasons for setting aside bond forfeiture
State v. Mitchell (16-1323 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Mitchell (17-534 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec.15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Owens (16-1313 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
State v. Paige (17-102 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to suppress; Miranda rights; custodial interrogation; whether Defendant was in custody; voluntariness of consent to search; preservation issue
State v. Ramsey (17-175 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Common Law Robbery; ineffective assistance of counsel
State v. Reaves (16-1311 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 15A-544.5 - reasons for setting aside bond forfeiture
State v. Robertson (17-199 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Admission of expert testimony under Rules 702(a) and 702(a1)(1)
State v. Rouse (17-176 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Jury instruction; Duress; Surrender to law enforcement.
State v. Sauls (17-6 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Surratt (17-65 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
ineffective assistance of counsel; improper witness bolstering; statutory rape
State v. Tayloe (16-1032 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Sufficiency of the evidence; Ineffective assistance of counsel
State v. Thomas (17-120 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Witnesses, Fifth Amendment, Impeachment, Confessions, Prejudicial Error
State v. Thomas (17-162 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury; improper witness vouching
State v. Villa (16-1104 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Right to a jury trial; Corrective jury instruction
State v. Villalobos (17-269 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Rules of Evidence 403 & 404(b); Indecent Liberties With a Child.
State v. Wiggins (17-18 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
State v. Williams (17-3 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 15A-544.5 - motions to set aside bond forfeiture; reduction of bond amount not permitted
Stewart v. Shipley (17-378 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Interlocutory Appeal; Insufficient Service of Process.
Taylor v. Mystic Lands, Inc. (16-1282 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Summary judgment; Mootness; Motion to Amend; Undue delay.

Filed: 19 September 2017
Mandate: 9 October 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Blue Ridge Healthcare Hosps., Inc. v. NC Dep't of Health & Hum. Servs.  (17-137 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Certificate of need; geographical scope of agency's review; showing of funding for project; substantial prejudice; summary judgment; deference to agency.
State v. J.C.  (17-207 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Appeal by the State from an order of expunction of criminal charges; statute permitting the State to appeal (N.C. Gen. Stat. ? 15A-1445.
Foushee v. Appalachian State Univ.  (17-213 - Published)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Haarhuis v. Cheek  (16-961 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Wrongful death action; bifurcated trial; compensatory and punitive damages; jury instruction on pain and suffering; jury voir dire; ?stake out? questions during voir dire.
In re: J.M. & J.M.  (17-275 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Hearsay; adjudication of serious neglect; N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 7B-901(c)
In re: N.H.  (17-171 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Permanency planning order; Guardian; Adequate resources.
NC State Bd. of Educ. v. The State of NC  (15-1229 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Administrative Procedure Act; Delegation of legislative authority; Agency rulemaking
Sarno v. Sarno  (16-1267 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Deviation from Child Support Guidelines; Attorney's Fees and Costs.
Silver v. The Halifax Cty. Bd. of Commissioners  (16-313 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud (View Supreme Court Opinion)
sound basic education, motion to dismiss, constitutional duty of the State, not local entities; counties are creatures of the State
Solesbee v. Brown  (16-1214 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
partition by sale; partition in kind
State of NC ex rel. Utils. Comm'n v. N.C. Waste Awareness & Reduction Network  (16-811 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Public Utility; Simpson Factors
State v. Bradsher  (16-1321 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
larceny; injury to personal property; lack of transcript
State v. Culbertson  (17-136 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Dismissal of appeal; writ of certiorari; Appellate Rules 2 and 21; defective indictment; lack of jurisdiction; set aside guilty plea.
State v. Dail  (16-1324 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Conditional discharge; Sentencing
State v. Harris  (16-1115 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Ineffective assistance of counsel; discovery violations; prior record level determination; attorney's fees and appointment fee
State v. Nicholson  (17-28 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr. (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Reasonable Suspicion.
State v. Sauls  (16-860 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
motion to suppress, HGN test, Rule 702
Unpublished Opinions
19 September 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 9 October 2017 

Edwards v. Richardson (16-1178 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Intervenor-Plaintiff barred from Res judicata.
Fowler v. Fowler (17-178 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Interlocutory Appeal; No Rule 54(b) Certification; Substantial Right Test
In re A.J.B. (17-379 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Amended order; Statutory authority; Modification and visitation
In re A.L.G. (17-203 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Termination of Parental Rights, Juveniles, Neglect
In re A.P. (17-291 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Guardianship verification
In re C.S.H. (17-360 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Termination of parental rights for failure to pay any child support
In re D.L.W. (17-464 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Incarcerated parent; neglected juvenile; termination of parental rights
In re D.S. (17-290 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Permanency Planning Hearings; Guardianship; Evidence; Adequate Resources
In re J.E.J.B. (17-289 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; Fact Issues; Remand
In re L.L. (17-337 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Termination of parental rights; no merits brief
In re M.D.-W. (17-256 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Cessation of reunification
In re S.M.C. (17-452 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Description: Termination of parental rights
In re T.M.S. (17-380 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Termination of Parental Rights; Clear, Cogent, and Convincing Evidence
Internal Credit Sys., Inc. v. Nautuff LLC (17-54 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Rule 60(b); default
McLawhorn v. N.C. Dep't of Env't & Nat. Res. (17-206 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Industrial Commission; Tort Claims Act; Negligence.
Peoples v. Tuck (16-293-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Summary Judgment; Issue of Material Fact Based on Expert Opinion.
State v. Clark (16-1194 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Motion to Dismiss; Authentication; Personal Knowledge
State v. Ervin (17-324 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Motion to dismiss; misdemeanor child abuse, contributing to the abuse, neglect or delinquency of a minor.
State v. Greene (16-1309 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Impaired driving; HGN evidence; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 8C-1, Rule 702.
State v. Headen (16-1196 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Probation Revocation; Appellate Jurisdiction; Certiorari
State v. Howard (17-77 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Speedy Trial; DNA Evidence; Stand by Counsel.
State v. Mathis (17-126 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
A clear and unequivocal assertion of a constitutional right to a pro se defense
State v. McIntyre (16-801 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
issue not preserved for appeal, no request for plain error, no prejudice
State v. McKenith (17-81 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Driving While Impaired, Expert Testimony, Prejudicial Error
State v. McReed (17-229 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
expert testimony; vouching
State v. Miller (17-216 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Right to self-representation; no right to be warned of existence of right of self-representation; appointed counsel.
State v. Newkirk (17-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Motion to suppress evidence voluntarily surrendered in response to questioning; reasonable suspicion to conduct an investigatory stop reasonableness of the scope and duration of the seizure
State v. Sydnor (17-48 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Second Remand for Re-sentencing; Follow Mandate.
State v. Thomas (17-140 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
motion to dismiss; constructive possession of a firearm by a felon
State v. Wallace (17-245 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Intervening negligence in criminal cases; Impaired Driving
State v. Welch (16-1184 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon

Filed: 5 September 2017
Mandate: 25 September 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Braswell v. Medina  (17-33 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to dismiss; concealment & fabrication of evidence; 42 U.S.C. § 1983 malicious prosecution; state law malicious prosecution; civil obstruction of justice; adequate State remedy; N.C. constitutional claim
Conleys Creek Ltd. P'ship v. Smoky Mountain Country Club Prop. Owners Ass'n  (16-647 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Dispute between developer/declarant and property owners, summary judgment, Rule 12(b)(6), Planned Community Act, breach of contract, breach of good faith and fair dealing, breach of fiduciary duty
Forbes v. City of Durham  (16-964 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
racial discrimination and retaliation, Title VII, no causal connection between alleged protected activities and adverse action
Frank v. Charlotte Symphony  (17-211 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
NCGS 97-2(5); determination of average weekly wages; less than 52 weeks employment; exceptional circumstances; exclusion of outside employment wages.
Gardner v. Rink  (16-948 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Second motion for summary judgment; Interlocutory
In re: Ackah  (16-829 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Judicial sale of property; good faith purchaser; due diligence requirement for service of process
In re: L.W.S.  (17-173 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Indian Child Welfare Act; Termination of Parental Rights
Malecek v. Williams  (16-830 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Constitutionality of Alienation of Affection and Criminal Conversation; Facial Challenge; Substantive Due Process; Free Speech and Expression
Myres v. Strom Aviation, Inc.  (16-558 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
worker's comp; per diem payments
Pine v. Wal-Mart Assocs., Inc.  (16-203 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Parsons presumption; Competent Evidence; Industrial Commission; Workers? Compensation
Premier, Inc. v. Peterson  (16-1139 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Summary Judgment; Law of the Case Doctrine
Rutledge v. Feher  (16-1287 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
General Warranty Deed; Deed Interpretation
State v. Jones  (17-59 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr. (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Subject matter jurisdiction; Misdemeanor; Citation; Open container offense
State v. Peters  (17-91 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to Dismiss; Sufficient evidence; Delaying public officer; Willfulness
State v. Prince  (16-1275 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Expert Witness Testimony; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
State v. Robinson  (16-1213 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Affidavit submitted in application for search warrant
State v. Rogers  (16-1112 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to dismiss; Sufficient evidence; Larceny of a firearm
State v. Seam  (17-219 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Miller v. Alabama; Resentencing; Jurisdiction
State v. Shore  (16-1243 - Published)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Rule 702; Daubert Standard; IAC, mistrial; NCGS 15A-1222
Union Cty. v. Town of Marshville  (17-37 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Interlocutory; Substantial Right; Governmental Immunity
Unpublished Opinions
5 September 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 25 September 2017 

Bowden v. Washburn (16-1288 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Domestic Violence Protective Order; Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Personal Jurisdiction; Issue Preservation; Court Calendar
Bullard v. Prime Bldg. Co., Inc. (16-1279 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Survival Action v. Wrongful Death
Carter v. Barnes Transp. (16-627 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Competent evidence; Disavowed opinion evidence; Sufficient findings of fact
Daly v. Daly (16-885 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Equitable distribution; interim distribution; valuation of marital and divisible property
Eagle v. Eagle (16-1315 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Divorce, Alimony, Interlocutory Order, Jurisdiction, Equitable Estoppel, Civil Procedure
Fortner v. Hornbuckle (17-44 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Estates, Dead Man's Act, Jury Instructions, Judicial Notice, Issue Preclusion
Holbert v. Blanchard (17-134 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Legal malpractice; genuine issue of material fact; summary judgment; prenuptial agreement
In re A.J.S. (17-205 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Motion to Continue; Termination of Parental Rights; Paternity
In re A.L.H. (16-1251 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Mistake in the Verification attached to Petition to Terminate Parental Rights; Neglect by Abandonment
In re A.M.S. (17-149 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Termination of parental rights; Insufficient findings
In re D.M.P. (17-297 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
termination of parental rights, no-merit brief
In re G.M. (17-174 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
guardianship order, UCCJEA, subject matter jurisdiction, modification of custody determination
In re K.G.M. (17-304 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Termination of parental rights; respondent's willful failure to make reasonable progress to correct condition that led to removal of child
In re M.H. (17-255 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Consent adjudication of neglect; stipulation regarding neglect; insufficient findings regarding neglect
In re O.S.R. (16-958 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
disposition & adjudication order, written findings neede
In re S.S.T. (17-261 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Termination of Parental Rights.
In re T.L.M. (17-189 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Terminate Parental Rights.
Jackson v. Century Mut. Ins. Co. (16-997 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Summary Judgment, Unfair Trade Practices, Contracts, Intentional Emotional Distress
Kelley v. Andrews (17-20 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Statute of Limitations, Relation Back, Surety, Immunity
Khashman v. Khashman (16-765 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Summary judgment; discovery; unfair and deceptive trade practices; learned profession exemption
State v. Allen (16-1147 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Statutory Rape; Law of the Case; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
State v. Batiste (16-1186 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Probation revocation; Absconding; Insufficient evidence
State v. Booker (16-1142 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
probation violation; absconding
State v. Byrd (16-1025 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Rule 3; Civil Judgment; Imposition of Attorney's Fees
State v. Carlton (17-36 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
motion to dismiss; second-degree kidnapping; armed robbery; possession of a firearm by a felon
State v. Clegg (17-76 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Batson objection; robbery; victim impact testimony
State v. Goff (17-34 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Criminal Law, Sentencing, Robbery, Appeal and Error
State v. McCoy (16-1099 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Child Sexual Abuse; Ambiguous Indictment; First-degree Sex Offense with a Child.
State v. Smith (17-93 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Ineffective assistance of counsel - Failure to object to admission of evidence
State v. St. Clair (16-1003 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Felony child abuse; lesser-included offense instruction; sentencing considerations
State v. Tilghman (17-27 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Sufficiency of the Evidence; Jury Instructions; Plain Error; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
Uli v. Uli (16-1301 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
equitable distribution; classification of property

Filed: 15 August 2017
Mandate: 5 September 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Ball v. Bayada Home Health Care  (16-1219 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Workers' Compensation; N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 97-2(5); Fair and just results; Method 3
C. Terry Hunt Indus., Inc. v. Klausner Lumber Two, LLC  (16-1136 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to compel; interlocutory order; substantial right
Frampton v. The Univ. of NC at Chapel Hill  (16-1236 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Attorney's fee award; Discretion
Howse v. Bank Of Am., N.A.  (16-979 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Foreclosure by Power of Sale; collateral attack; Uniform Declaratory Judgment act; N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 45-21.34
McArdle v. Mission Hosp., Inc.  (16-554 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Involuntary Commitment; Breach of Duty to Third Parties; Motion to Dismiss, Motion to Amend
Morrell v. Hardin Creek, Inc.  (16-878 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr. (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Ambiguous Contract; Negligence Case.
NCJS, LLC v. City of Charlotte  (16-1096 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Zoning; interpretation and application of zoning ordinance
Rider v. Hodges  (17-110 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
motion for summary judgment; breach of contract; fraudulent billing; unfair and deceptive trade practices
State v. Bryant  (16-1020 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Prior record level calculation; Substantially similar out-of-state offenses; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1340.14(e).
State v. Carter  (16-854 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Visual identification of controlled substances; Expert testimony; Lay opinion testimony; Sufficient indicators for reliability
State v. Glidewell  (16-1001 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Jury instructions; indictment; fatal variance; acting in concert
State v. May  (16-1121 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Criminal Sentencing; Life Imprisonment; Juvenile
State v. Posey  (16-937 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Absconding, Violation of Probation, Justice Reinvestment Act, Mootness
State v. Smith  (16-1229 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Motion to suppress; protective sweep; plain view doctrine; incriminating nature
State v. Voltz  (16-1164 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Joinder of offenses for trial; felonious breaking or entering jury instruction- intent to commit a felony'; conflicting jury instructions; plain error analysis.
State v. West  (16-918 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Rule 403 and 412 past sexual conduct of a prosecuting witness; North Carolina Rape Shield Law; Relevancy and Rule 403 balancing
State v. Williams  (16-1048 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Suppression Hearing; testimony; Summary Grant or Denial; Serious bodily injury
State v. Yisrael  (16-873 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Possession with intent to sell or deliver marijuana; sufficiency of the evidence; presence of stolen and loaded handgun; presence of large amount of cash.
Unpublished Opinions
15 August 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 5 September 2017 

Barbee v. Whap, P.A. (16-1154 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Medical malpractice; breach of standard of care; proximate causation; summary judgment; Rule 59(e); Rule 60; toll the notice of appeal; expert witnesses; Rule 702(b) of NC Rules of Evidence; NC Gen. Stat. § 90-21.12; knowledge of the same or similar community standard; admissibility of expert's witnesses
Davis v. Davis (16-1159 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Alimony; competent evidence; cohabitation; calculation of alimony amount
Grissom v. Cohen (16-1177 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Civil and criminal contempt, compliance with child custody order.
Meza v. BCR Janitorial Servs., Inc. (16-944 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Workers' Compensation; Dismissal; Failure to Prosecute
Nichols v. Univ. of N.C. at Chapel Hill (16-1117 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Failure to exhaust administrative remedies, subject matter jurisdiction, grievance process, Office of Administrative Hearings
State v. Alexander (17-96 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Mistrial; Admission of evidence.
State v. Bonham (17-141 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Robbery with a dangerous weapon; prior acts of robbery, Rule 404(b); cross-examination
State v. Boulware (17-22 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill; lesser included jury instruction; breaking and entering
State v. Graham (17-66 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Failure to report a new address as a sex offender; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-208.11(a)(2).
State v. Griffin (17-195 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Guilty plea; restitution order; competent evidence to support
State v. Lindsey (17-218 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to Suppress
State v. Lineberger (17-201 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Prior record level conclusion of law reviewable de novo; clerical error; conviction from same court session.
State v. Lockett (16-1091 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to Dismiss
State v. Mettler (17-47 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Larceny after breaking or entering; acting in concert instruction; intent to permanently deprive victim of property; motion to dismiss; Rule 2; Single taking rule; continuous transaction resulting in one larceny
State v. Morris (17-121 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Defendant's appeal following guilty plea; Denial of motion to suppress; N.C.R. App. P. 21; Anders brief.
State v. Peterson (17-150 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Robbery with a dangerous weapon; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-87; Anders brief.
State v. Rios (17-249 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Unsupported argument for post conviction DNA testing; Anders and pro-se briefs
State v. Rolland (17-168 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Appellate jurisdiction; DWI appeal; superior court jurisdiction; contents of the record on appeal.
State v. Sayre (17-68 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion for post-conviction DNA testing; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-269; Anders brief
State v. Sellers (17-252 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Defendant's appeal following guilty plea; N.C.R. App. P. 21; Anders brief.
State v. Simmons (16-1065 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
sufficiency of indictment
State v. Smith (17-306 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Larceny from a merchant; sufficiency of the indictment; taking without owner's consent and with intent to permanently deprive.
State v. Stephens (16-714 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
indictment - fatal variance - no abuse of discretion
State v. Webb (16-1228 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Ineffective assistance of counsel; Curative instruction
State v. Wilson (16-1212 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Motion to Suppress; Stop and Frisk.
State v. Yarborough (17-177 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Arson, animal cruelty; sufficiency of the evidence; prior record level- out of state convictions.

Filed: 1 August 2017
Mandate: 21 August 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Cheatham v. Town of Taylortown  (16-1057 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Failure to exhaust administrative remedies; subject matter jurisdiction; minimum housing standards
Friday Invs., LLC v. Bally Total Fitness Of The Mid-Atl., Inc.  (16-950 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
summary judgment; lease and guaranty as separate contracts; Chapter 11 bankruptcy; discharge of guaranty in bankruptcy
Holland v. Harrison  (16-889 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Interlocutory appeal involving substantial right; possibility of inconsistent verdicts; 42 U.S.C. § 1983; discharge in violation of First Amendment free speech rights; speech on matter of public concern
In re: C.M.P., C.Q.M.P., J.A.C.  (16-1230 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Motion to Continue; Termination Parental Rights; Repetition of Neglect; Reasonable Progress
In re: Clayton  (16-960 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
nonjudicial foreclosure by power of sale under deed of trust; right to foreclose; reverse-mortgage agreement
In re: N.X.A., B.R.S.A-D., D.S.K.A-D.  (17-95 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Verification of petition; Termination of parental rights; Failure to pay support
In re: R.S., A.S., C.S.  (17-270 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Burden of proof; abused juvenile
Kyle v. Felfel  (16-1318 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Lack of consideration to support promissory note; statute of frauds signature requirement; quasi-estoppel
Leonard v. Bell  (17-130 - Published)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
public official immunity
Mitchell, Brewer, Richardson, Adams, Burge & Boughman v. Brewer  (16-1122 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Court-ordered dissolution of PLLC; accounting and distribution; appointment of referee; procedures used by referee; summary judgment
Nash Hosps., Inc. v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.  (16-532 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Medical Liens under N.C. Gen. Stat. 44-49; Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices; Distribution of funds to pro se personal injury claimants
Plum Props., LLC v. NC Farm Bureau Mut. Ins. Co., Inc.  (16-1078 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Summary judgment; Ambiguities; Insurance policies; Occurrence.
Schwarz v. St. Jude Med., Inc.  (16-1307 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Interlocutory; improper venue; forum selection clause; contract formation; last essential act
State of NC v. NC Sustainable Energy Ass'n  (16-1067 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Utilities Commission; Plain Reading; Clear and Unambiguous Language
State v. Anderson  (16-767 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Motion to Dismiss; First Amendment; Restricted Sex Offender
State v. Arrington  (16-761 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Guilty plea; prior record level; stipulation to class of prior conviction; stipulation to question of law
State v. Cannon  (16-1059 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Aiding and abetting larceny; habitual felon; judicial notice
State v. Fitts  (16-1106 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Self-defense; jury instruction; warning shot
State v. Trent  (16-839 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Probation revocation; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1343(b)(3a); Absconding.
Tanglewood Prop. Owners' Ass'n, Inc. v. Isenhour  (17-101 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Easement by Plat.
Van-Go Transp., Inc. v. Sampson Cty.  (16-849 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Temporary Restraining Order; damages on injunction bond; wrongfully enjoining party; effect of voluntary dismissal; calculation of damages with reasonable degree of certainity
Unpublished Opinions
1 August 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 21 August 2017 

Anders v. Universal Leaf N. Am. (16-910-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Worker's compensation, N.C. Gen. Stat. 97-25.1, Parsons Presumption, Proving disability under the Workers' Comp. Act, Casual connection between work-related injury and inability to work
Cox v. City of Kannapolis (16-1183 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Certificate of Nonconformity Adjustment; whether the Board of Adjustment's findings of fact support its conclusions of law
Crazie Overstock Promotions, LLC v. McVicker (16-932 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Motion to dismiss, gambling, governmental immunity, interlocutory
Emerald Place Dev. Props., LLC v. Horne (16-1138 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Summary judgment; Breach of contract; Legal malpractice; Election of remedies doctrine.
In re A.C. (17-181 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
adjudication and disposition orders; stipulated findings of fact; NCGS 7B-101(d) and 14-190.5; Due Process violation; ceasing reunification efforts
In re A.L.W. (17-157 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
termination of parental rights, no merit brief
In re B.M.C.H. (17-105 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Termination of Parental Rights; Neglect.
In re E.R. (16-1320 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
termination of parental rights; neglect; unchallenged findings of fact
In re Estate of Garner (17-104 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Collateral attack; Detective service; Waiver of service
In re J.C.C. (17-163 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Adjudication of Neglect and Dependency; Stipulation to Findings of Fact
In re J.M.N. (17-129 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Adoptability; termination of parental rights; abuse of discretion
In re K.A.R. (17-56 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Termination of parental rights; Voluntary support order
In re M.G.S. (17-238 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Termination of parental rights; Subsection 7B-1111(a)(9)
In re P.D. (16-1317 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
TPR; subject-matter jurisdiction; nonresident parent
In re R.S. (17-204 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Adjudicating minor children; Dispositional and Permanency Planning Order.
Patton v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hosp. Auth. (16-812 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Expert Testimony; Infallibility Jury Instruction.
State v. Benton (16-1149 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
traffic stop; reasonable suspicion; totality of the circumstances
State v. Ellis (16-938 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Joinder; Motion to sever; Transactionally related.
State v. Fellner (16-1092 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Obtaining property by false pretenses, jurisdictional requirements for indictments, sufficiency of the State?s evidence to show intent to deceive.
State v. Gallegos (16-1058 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Jury Instructions; Opinion Statement by Trial Court; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
State v. Harris (16-1304 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
AWDWISI;assault with a deadly weapon on a government official; possession of stolen goods; invited error; lesser-included offense instruction; dishonest purpose element of possession of stolen goods; insufficiency of evidence of intent to inflict serious injury
State v. Howell (16-1172 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Guilty plea; Sentencing; Insufficient appellate record.
State v. Maddux (16-1248 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Jury Instructions on Aiding and Abetting.
State v. Pastore (16-1205 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
404(b) testimony of prior sexual acts
Thompson v. Gerlach (16-770 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Child support; Alimony; Nonpayment; Contempt; Ability to pay; Purge conditions.
U.S. Bank Nat'l Ass'n v. Pinkney (15-797-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
Rule 12(b)(6);statute of limitations
Vecellio & Grogan, Inc. v. N.C. Dep't of Transp. (16-670 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Rule 60
Whitley v. Whitley (16-1234 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Summary judgment; Family settlement agreement; Estoppel by deed; quasi estoppel
Wolfe v. Wolfe (16-57 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Equitable distribution; prenuptial agreements; choice of law provisions

Filed: 18 July 2017
Mandate: 7 August 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Asheville Lakeview Props., LLC v. Lake View Park Comm'n, Inc.  (15-1308 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Declaratory Judgment; Statutes of Limitations
Bentley v. Jonathan Piner Constr.  (16-62-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 97-84; waiver; N.C. Workers' Compensation Act; Statutory employer
Brown v. N.C. Dep't of Pub. Safety  (16-740 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C.G.S. Sec. 97-38; Workers' Compensation Act; Death Benefits; Statute of Limitations
Friends of Crooked Creek, L.L.C. v. C.C. Partners, Inc.  (17-32 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
golf use only encumbrance; construing restrictive covenants; easement implied-by-plat; survey plats in chain of title; no dedication to HOA or for commona areas.
In re: C.S.L.B., C.P.R.B., S.C.R.B.  (16-1283 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Reunification; Visitation plan; Review and permanency planning hearings
In re: D.E.M.  (16-1319 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Termination; willful abandonment; six months
In re: STEPHEN WOLFE  (16-1217 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Voluntary admission; incompetent adult; subject-matter jurisdiction
Richmond Cty. Bd. of Educ. v. Cowell  (17-112 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Separation of Powers; Writ of Mandamus; Authority of Trial Court to Order State Officials to Draw Money from State Treasury
Slaughter v. Slaughter  (16-1153 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Equitable distribution; Alimony; Attorney's fees; Expert witness costs; Cross-appeal
State v Saldierna  (14-1345-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Motion to Suppress; Juvenile Defendant; Custodial Interrogation; Voluntary Waiver of Constitutional and Statutory Rights
State v. Bacon  (16-1268 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Fatal variance
State v. Broyhill  (16-841 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
first degree murder; expert opinion testimony; jury selection; stake out questions; indoctrinating questions; rule of completeness
State v. Coleman  (16-1150 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Elements of Voluntary Manslaughter; Automatism Defense; Expert Testimony
State v. Hester  (16-1120 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
denial of motion to dismiss- 4th Amendment; commission of new crime after stop; attenuation and intervening circumstance; plain error review
State v. Johnson  (16-734 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Probation revocation; Subject matter jurisdiction; Absconding; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1344(a); N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1343(b)(3a).
State v. Moore  (16-999 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Judge's comment not an order or judgment - denial of continuance - no prejudice in admission of video
State v. Worley  (16-941 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Motion to suppress evidence; probable cause to issue search warrant; sufficiency of nexus between alleged criminal activity and place to be searched
State v. Younts  (16-213 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Reliability of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Testing for expert testimony; Rule 702 Requirements.
Williams v. Chaney  (16-834 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
family law, child custody order, no substantial change in circumstances
Unpublished Opinions
18 July 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 7 August 2017 

Baker v. N.C. Psychology Bd. (16-1175 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Professional Discipline; Licensed Psychologist; Whole Record Test
Benedith v. Wake Forest Baptist Med. Ctr. (17-284 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Statute of limitations; motion to dismiss
Columbus Cty. Dep't of Soc. Servs. v. Norton (16-735 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Failure to provide a complete record on appeal
Hogue v. Brown & Patten, PA (17-103 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
statute of limitations; legal malpractice; equitable distribution; last act of accrual; motion to dismiss.
Hutchison v. N.C. Dep't of Justice (16-1082 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Consideration of evidence in the light most favorable to a Petitioner in an employment termination case.
In re A.C.W. (16-1289 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Juvenile; Adjudication; Abuse; Sufficiency of Evidence
In re A.H. (17-118 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Termination of Parental Rights; Neglect; Likelihood that Neglect Would Recur
In re A.P.R. (17-111 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
TPR; neglect
In re A.U. (16-1284 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Termination of parental rights; guardian ad litem for minor
In re H.S. (16-1241 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
ceasing reunification efforts
In re I.N.S. (17-31 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Termination of parental rights; judicial notice; neglect
In re J.D.H. (16-1286 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
TPR; best interests; neglect; reasonable progress
In re J.Y. (17-42 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights, failure to make reasonable progress, neglect, changed circumstances
In re Meetze (16-796 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Self-Authenticating Documents; Prejudice in evidentiary challenges
In re S.W. (16-1235 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Neglected juvenile; N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec 7B-101(15); Clear and convincing evidence
In re T.Z.J. (17-73 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Subject matter jurisdiction; delinquency petition; amendment
Massengill v. Bailey (16-1084 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Wrongful death; Damages; Preserving Issues on Appeal
New v. New (16-1167 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Separation Agreements; Breach of Contract; Equitable Relief
State v. Alston (16-1185 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Probation revocation; Anders; clerical error
State v. Bailey (16-1192 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Ineffective assistance of counsel; State v. Harbison.
State v. Bailey (16-962 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to dismiss; substantial evidence; witness credibility
State v. Blevins (16-589 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Discovery violation; Abuse of discretion
State v. Bolder (16-814 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Exclusion of evidence; Motion to reopen jury selection; Jury instruction
State v. Carter (16-946 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, Possession with Intent to Sell or Distribute, Maintaining a Building Used for Keeping or Selling Controlled Substances, Insufficient Evidence
State v. Ellis (16-1220 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Written judgment; probation condition; clarification
State v. Grice (16-1274 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Revocation of probation; Anders; prejudicial error
State v. Hooker (16-1308 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Appeal from trial court?s denial of defendant?s motion to suppress; probable cause to perform traffic stop of vehicle.
State v. Moody (17-11 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Right of appeal; minimum sentence
State v. Norman (16-1232 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Visual identification of marijuana; jury instruction; officer testimony; State's burden of proof that substance is marijuana
State v. Sanchez (17-98 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion locate and preserve evidence; Motion for post-conviction DAN testing; Prejudicial error
Thomas & Craddock Sales, Inc. v. Gift Bag Lady, Inc. (16-936 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Lack of transcript; N.C. R. App. P. 7(a)(1) & 9(c)(1); deprivation of meaningful appellate review
Zolp v. Cordell (16-895 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Interlocutory Appeals; Substantial Right

Filed: 5 July 2017
Mandate: 25 July 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Farquhar v. Farquhar  (16-1271 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Divorce and then subsequent remarriage of parties, Rule 41(a) of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, Joint dismissal of alimony and equitable distribution claims following entry of judgment for absolute divorce in first marriage, Refiling of alimony and equitable distribution claims based on first marriage after failure of second marriage
Geoghagan v. Geoghagan  (16-766 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Equitable Distribution; joinder; necessary party; N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 1A-1, Rule 19
In re: A.L.L., R.J.M., R.A.M., A.O.Z., D.A.M., O.E.J.M.  (17-146 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; UCCJEA; Due Process; Termination of Parental Rights
In re: K.L. & R.E.  (17-80 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
required findings to cease reunification efforts; custody with adult sibling; required findings of fact to award permanent custody; conclusions unsupported by findings of fact; NCGS 7B-906.1 and 906.2
In re: T.P., T.P., & T.P.  (17-119 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Subject matter jurisdiction; N.C. Gen. Stat. ? 7B-401(b); Article 8 of the Juvenile Code; whether DSS was required to file a petition where trial court retains jurisdiction and discontinues periodic judicial reviews
Johnson v. Wayne Mem'l Hosp., Inc.  (17-106 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Medical Negligence of Hospital - No Evidence of Standard of Care
O'Neal v. O'Neal  (16-1299 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Guardianship, Power of Attorney executed after adjudication of incompetency, Voidable versus void, Deeds
State v. Cobb  (16-990 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Appearance Bond Forfeiture; Record on appeal;
State v. Falana  (16-1306 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Felony Conversion; Indictment; Ownership
State v. Lynch  (17-75 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Unsolicited Statements by Juror during Selection; Motion for Mistrial; Standard for Finding Clerical Error
Unpublished Opinions
5 July 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 25 July 2017 

Bank of Am., N.A. v. Rivera (16-166 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
reformation of deed of trust
Barbour v. Barbour (16-782 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Appeal of child support transmittal order.
Estate of Russell v. Russell (17-21 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Power of Attorney; Gift Transfer; Summary Judgment
GECMC 2006-C1 Carrington Oaks, LLC v. Weiss (16-669 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
JNOV; Breach of Guaranty; N.C. R. Evid. 902
Holden v. Inficare, Inc. (16-1061 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to compel arbitration; scope of arbitration clause; choice of law; Virginia arbitration law
In re A.P.C. (17-180 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
TPR; willful abandonment; jurisdiction; best interest
In re B.T. (17-51 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Custodian Verification; Termination of Court Jurisdiction; Constitutional Right to Parent.
In re C.B. (17-41 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Permanency planning; ceasing reunification; amendments to juvenile code
In re C.M.D. (17-197 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Adjudication; Dependency; Findings of Fact
In re D.D.D. (16-1239 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
TPR; best interest determination
In re D.L.A.D. (17-262 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Termination of parental rights; Subject matter jurisdiction.
In re D.L.L.M. (16-1181 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Abandonment; Failure to Pay; Termination
In re D.O. (16-1272 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Termination of parental rights. Abuse, neglect, failure to make reasonable progress and failure to support, NCGS 7B-1111(a)(1), (2) and (3). No merit brief.
In re E.A.D. (17-133 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Termination of Parental Rights, Neglect, Likelihood of future neglect
In re E.C. (17-57 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Permanency Planning Order, Guardianship, Findings of Fact, ?abuse, neglect, and dependency?
In re E.V.R. (16-1250 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Rule 17 GAL; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Abused and Neglected Juveniles; N.C.G.S. Sec. 7B-901(c)
In re G.M.C. (16-1257 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Termination of parental rights; sufficiency of evidence; relative placement
In re H.R.P.A. (17-72 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Involuntary commitment order; dangerous to others; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 122C-3(11); whether findings of fact support that court's conclusions of law.
In re K.E.J. (16-1223 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights, ineffective assistance of counsel, attorney withdrawal
In re L.H. (16-1294 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Permanency Planning Orders; Child Custody; Visitation; Cessation of Reunification Efforts
In re L.P.T. (16-1246 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Grounds for terminating parental rights; insufficient findings of fact; Incarceration is improper as the sole ground for termination
In re M.B. (16-1270 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Permanency planning, guardianship, visitation
In re M.L.E. (16-1180 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Termination of Parental Rights; Motion to Continue; Waiver; Neglect; Best Interests Determination
In re P.B. (16-1261 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Permanency Planning Order; Ceasing Reunification Efforts; Required Findings of Fact
In re P.L.B. (16-1116 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Termination of Parental Rights; Willful Abandonment
In re R.R. (16-1240 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Delegation of fact-finding duty; findings of fact regarding fitness of a natural parent; N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 7B-906.1 and 906.2
In re S.D.B. (16-1265 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
willful failure to pay, reasonable portion of cost of care, termination of parental rights
In re S.S.P. (17-191 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Arrowood
TPR; guardian ad litem; wilfulness; reasonable progress
In re: E.M.S-C. & B.O.S-C. (17-30 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
willful abandonment, NCGS 7B-1111(a)(7); failure to make efforts to locate children; findings of fact to support abuse; unchallenged findings of fact.
Jennings v. Univ. of N.C. (16-1031 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to dismiss; Failure to exhaust administrative remedies; FMLA
McLaurin v. Med. Facilities of N.C., Inc. (16-1161 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Invalid Arbitration Agreement in Nursing Home Contract.
Roberts v. Mars Hill Univ. (16-1093 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Summary judgment in negligence action, liability of university, foreseeability of act based on prior criminal activity
Sampson v. Lanier (16-1135 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Dismissal for Violation of Appellate Rules; Failure to Include Copy of Judgment in Appellate Record
State v. Baskins (16-1237 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Appeal after remand; best evidence rule; non-testimonial evidence; motion to suppress.
State v. Benton (16-1238 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Right to Appeal from Guilty Plea; Eight Amendment Challenge to Sentence; Lack of Jurisdiction
State v. Cox (16-992 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Probation Revocation; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
State v. Ellison (16-1127 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Larceny; Jury Instructions on Separate Guilt of Multiple Defendants; Restitution
State v. Grissett (16-1305 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Motion for Postconviction DNA Testing; Requirement of Showing Materiality; Anders
State v. Guerrero (16-1227 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Revocation of probation; Sufficient evidence; Clerical errors.
State v. Henley (16-1171 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Denial of Motion to Suppress; Miranda Rights; Noncustodial Interrogation
State v. Hicks (16-1033 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Motion to Dismiss; Sufficiency of Evidence; Breaking and Entering; Larceny; Possession of Stolen Goods
State v. Isom (16-1052 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Improper Sentencing Considerations; False Testimony; Possession and Manufacture of Marijuana
State v. Kluttz (16-1097 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion in limine; motion to dismiss; insufficient evidence; first-degree sexual offense; indecent liberties; continuing objection does not preserve objection
State v. Konifka (16-1013 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Jury question response, dilution of the burden of proof, shackling during trial, Deck challenge
State v. Meinsen (17-13 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
NCGS 14-202.1(a)(1)+(2); indecent liberties with a child; jury instruction on lewd and lascivious act; prejudicial error
State v. Newbill (16-1163 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Anders; Denial of Motion to Suppress
State v. Oates (16-903 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Defendant's motion to dismiss; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-415.1(a); N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-288.8(a); failure to preserve issues for appellate review
State v. Peterson (17-26 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Constitutional Right to Counsel at Resentencing

Filed: 20 June 2017
Mandate: 10 July 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Brewington v. N.C. Dep't Of Pub. Safety  (16-913 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Administrative Law, Dismissal of Career State Employee, Whether the Findings were Supported by Substantial Evidence, Whether Dismissal Decision was Arbitrary and Capricious, Just Cause Analysis, Due Process of Law
Fuller v. Wake Cty.  (16-869 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
tort claims against county; governmental immunity; waiver; summary judgment
Glover v. Dailey  (16-1108 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Bench trial, negligent misrepresentation, unfair and deceptive trade practice, homeowner exception
Justus v. Rosner  (15-1196 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Negligence; Damage Mitigation; amended Judgment; Contributory Negligence; Costs
SIA Grp., Inc. v. Patterson  (16-1137 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Preliminary injunction; Interlocutory appeal; Substantial right; Employment Agreement
State v. Alston  (16-966 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Drug House; Drug Identification; Expert Testimony
State v. Clonts  (16-566 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Sixth Amendment, Confrontation Clause, Rule 804, Unavailability of Necessry Witness, Continuance, Good-Faith Effort
State v. Cook  (16-883 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Assault with a firearm; when a defendant is entitled to a self-defense instruction; intent to shoot attacker, essential to warrant instruction.
State v. Dye  (16-778 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Statutory rape; bolstering of victim credibility; satellite-based monitoring; N.C.G.S. Sec. 14-208.40A
State v. Hensley  (16-689 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Rule 106; Contemporaneity Requirement; Abuse of Discretion
State v. Langley  (16-1107 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy (View Supreme Court Opinion)
habitual felon; juror misconduct
State v. Miller  (16-1206 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Confrontation Clause; Testimonial Statements; Forfeiture; State's Waiver of Harmlessness Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
State v. Perry  (16-768 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to suppress; Ineffective assistance of counsel; Harbison
State v. Street  (16-307 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
obtaining property by false pretenses, doctrine of recent possession, jury instruction
State v. Thompson  (16-1211 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Criminal Street Gang Activity; Witness Identification; Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon
Wilson v. Guinyard  (16-1277 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
civil contempt; child custody; legal representation; adherence to visitation schedules; attorney's fees.
Unpublished Opinions
20 June 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 10 July 2017 

Bank of N.C. v. 15 River Project, LLC (16-1266 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Foreclosure; Deed of Trust; Breach of Contract; Promissory Note
Ellison v. Ellison (16-914 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Equitable Distribution; Failure to List, Value, or Distribute Marital Property; Failure to Value Net Marital Estate
In re A.K. (16-837 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Child custody; Jurisdiction
In re Foreclosure of Boehm (16-299 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
foreclosure of real property, moot
In re J.L.T. (16-1242 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Neglected juveniles; Adjudication; Competent evidence
In re K.J. (17-138 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Termination of Parental Rights
In re N.A.P. (17-160 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
In re R.T.W. (16-1132 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Maitra v. Quarter Mile Muscle, Inc. (16-338 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Damages for a breach of contract claim; Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict; Personal liability when an officer of a corporation enters into an agreement for his or her own personal benefit
McLeod v. McLeod (16-871 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Testimony; Rule 12(b)(6); Summary Judgment; Issue Material Fact
Page v. McCabe (16-1143 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Child Custody; Denial of Motion for Modification; Required Findings of Fact
Penney v. UNC Hosps. (16-1166 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Workers' Compensation; Compensable Specific Traumatic Incident
Ragavage v. City of Wilmington (16-1028 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
employment, city charter, just cause, progressive discipline
Rmah v. United Servs. Auto. Ass'n (16-848 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Interlocutory, substantial right
Rmah v. USAA Cas. Ins. Co. (17-131 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Interlocutory, substantial right
State v. Brown (16-1044 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Reasonable suspicion
State v. Dunlap (16-1063 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
State v. Evans (16-1216 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Second Degree Rape; Jury Instruction; Sufficiency of the Evidence; Rule 404(b) Evidence of Other Crimes
State v. Gilchrist (16-956 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Larceny; plain error
State v. Gonzalez (16-1325 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Sexual offense, indecent liberties with a child, closing arguments, fifth amendment rights
State v. Johnson (16-954 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Failure to preserve Rule 403 and Rule 401 issues; Harbison, Ineffective Assistance of Council
State v. LaFortuna (16-1000 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Voluntary Manslaughter; Evidence of Victim's Character and Prior Conduct; Imperfect Self-Defense; Motion to Dismiss
State v. Lanier (16-1069 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Habitual Misdemeanor Assault; Assault on a Female; Stipulations
State v. McCray (16-1224 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
State v. Melton (16-1088 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
First Degree Murder; Solicitation of First Degree Murder; Double Jeopardy
State v. Phloykaew (16-1148 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Ineffective assistance of counsel
State v. Rhom (16-929 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
State v. Taylor (16-1105 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
closing arguments
Tucker v. Clerk of Ct. of Forsyth Cty. ex rel Frye (16-926 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Substantial Right; Statement of grounds for appellate review

Filed: 6 June 2017
Mandate: 26 June 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Bunch v. Britton  (16-181 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
rule 12(b)(6)
Farmer v. Farmer  (16-760 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Child custody modification; failure to hold a proper hearing before modifying visitation; insufficient evidence presented and facts found to support custody modification order
In re: Hughes  (15-699-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Eugenics; Heirs; Equal Protection Clause; Constitutionality of a Statute
In re: Redmond  (15-763-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Eugenics; Heirs; Equal Protection Clause; Constitutionality of a Statute
In re: Smith  (15-829-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Eugenics; Heirs; Equal Protection Clause; Constitutionality of a Statute
In re the Will of James Paul Allen, Deceased  (16-1209 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Holographic codicil to typewrtten will
Innovative Solar 55, LLC v. Robeson Cty.  (16-1101 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
solar facility or farm use permit; prima facia entitlement; conditional use permit (CUP) denial; competent evidence to support denial of CUP; generalized speculative concerns of community members.
Kings Harbor Homeowners Ass'n, Inc. v. Goldman  (16-1189 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Summary judgment; platted access easement; riparian rights; ownership of pier; grantor's intent
Lee v. Cooper  (16-845 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Summary judgment, Lease/option agreement for home, equity of redemption
Parmley v. Barrow  (16-1258 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Interlocutory Appeal.
Rash v. Waterway Landing Homeowners Ass'n, Inc.  (16-1158 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Summary judgment; slip and fall, contributory negligence
State v. Bass  (16-421 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson (View Supreme Court Opinion)
self-defense; no duty to retreat under NCGS 14-51.3(a); required instructions; specific acts of aggression; state's discovery provided on eve of trial; motion to continue; prejudice.
State v. Buchanan  (16-697 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Conviction for obtaining property by false pretenses and attempting to obtain property by false pretenses based on the same conduct; sufficiency of the evidence; applicability of single taking rule; jury instructions.
State v. Jones  (16-1280 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Authority of Court of Appeals to Grant petition for certiorari for review of sentencing upon defendant's plea of guilty, denial of defendant's right to allocute
State v. Mostafavi  (16-1233 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Conflicting Court of Appeals precedents, fatal defect in indictment, State v. Ricks, US currency
State v. Riley  (16-700 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
sentencing; Brady evidence; substantial similar offenses
State v. Scaturro  (16-1026 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Hit and Run; Fatal Variance; Jury Instructions
Unpublished Opinions
6 June 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 26 June 2017 

Anderson v. Anderson (16-469 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Interlocutory; substantial right; minimum contacts; personal jurisdiction
Eagles Servs. & Towing, LLC v. Ace Motor Acceptance Corp. (16-693 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Breach of contract; Breach of duty of good faith; Award
Faucher v. Marcus (16-1056 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Attorney fees; substantial right; interlocutory
Henson v. Henson (16-1064 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
In re D.L.M. (16-1188 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Termination of parental rights; insufficient findings to support willful abandonment and nelgect
In re L.C.D. (16-1035 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Subject matter jurisdiction; UCCJEA; permanency planning and reunification
State v. Abney (16-840 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
jury instruction; flight
State v. Bowden (16-1074 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Habitual Felon Indictment; Jurisdiction for Misdemeanor Charges.
State v. Butler (16-1255 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
drug related offenses; undercover buyers; habitual felon; evidence of prior conviction; committed youthful offender; fatal variance; denial of mistrial; jury instructions; aggravating factor; sentencing errors.
State v. Carrell (16-984 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Admission of Evidence not Plain Error
State v. Dorest (16-890 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Privilege against self-incrimination; right to remain silent; plain error
State v. Dubose (16-169 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
robbery with a dangerous weapon, prior bad act, invited error
State v. Foye (16-675 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Rules 404(a) and 404(b) character evidence; self-defense instruction; right to speedy trial
State v. Gillespie (16-881 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
felonious indecent exposure, alibi, plain error, ineffective assistance of counsel
State v. Griffin (16-972 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Waiver of Service of Notice of Appeal
State v. Johnson (16-1170 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Probation Revocation' Out0of0State Offenses; Resisting Arrest
State v. Johnson (16-1036 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Appeal-Anders Brief
State v. McClinton (16-887 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Possession with intent to sell or deliver; amount; intent
State v. McCree (16-690 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
PWISD; Terry stop; Preservation of arguments for appellate review
State v. Reddick (16-451 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
reasonable suspicion to stop vehicle; probable cause to search console
State v. Roberson (16-939 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Defendant's Right to be Present; Custody for Purposes of Miranda
State v. Rogers (16-1087 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Revocation of Probation, Factual Basis not Supported by Record Evidence
State v. Saint Clair (16-836 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Safecracking, Fatal Variance
State v. Simmons (16-975 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
possession of a firearm by a felon, ineffective assistance of counsel, Miranda warning, public safety exception
State v. Tapia (16-909 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Motion for Post-Conviction DNA Testing, Anders Brief
State v. Tetterton (16-967 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Appeal from Guilty Plea, Anders Brief
State v. Walker (16-1195 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
breaking and entering with intent to terrorize and/or injure; defense of a family member; jury instructions; plain error.
State v. Wiggins (15-1385 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Plain Error; Ineffective Assistance of counsel; Limiting Instruction
State v. Young (16-995 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Cross Examination, Defendant Opened Door on Direct Examination

Filed: 16 May 2017
Mandate: 5 June 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Edwards v. Foley  (16-1060 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Interlocutory appeal from summary judgment order; appellant?s brief must contain sufficient facts and argument to support appellate review on the ground that the challenged order affects a substantial right.
Hanna v. Wright  (16-1134 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Interlocutory; Substantial Right; Contract Dispute
Henderson v. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bd. of Educ.  (16-977 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Statutory Immunity; Interlocutory Appeal; Motion to Dismiss
In re: K.B.  (16-970 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Abuse, neglect, dependency
In re: M.B.  (16-1165 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Compliance with JCPC Mooted by Guardian's Return to NC, Rights of Parent after Guardianship Established for Child
In re: T.K.  (16-1047 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Requirements for a juvenile petition in a delinquent case; Jurisdictional defects under N.C. Gen. Stat. 7B-1703
Locklear v. Cummings  (16-1015 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr. (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Medical Malpractice; Ordinary Negligence; Service of Process.
McKinney v. McKinney  (16-884 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Appeal from criminal and civil contempt order; child custody dispute
Orren v. Orren  (16-1024 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Alimony; Cohabitation; Equitable Distribution
Plasman v. Decca Furniture (USA), Inc.  (16-777 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Mandatory Complex Business Case, Preliminary Injunction, Order directing Party to Comply with Injunction, Effect of Pending Interlocutory appeal on Trial Court's Continuing Jurisdiction Over an Action, Civil Comtempt
Radiator Specialty Co. v. Arrowood Indem. Co.  (16-638 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Appellate jurisdiction; interlocutory appeals; failure to demonstrate substantial right
State v. Burris  (16-238 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
motion to suppress self-incriminating statement, warrantless blood draw, motion to dismiss for insufficient evidence
State v. Fowler  (16-947 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr. (View Supreme Court Opinion)
DWI; Jury Instructions; New Trial.
State v. Maloney  (16-851 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Fatally Defective Indictment; Continuing Offense, Manufacturing Methamphetamine
State v. Martinez  (16-374-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
propriety of expert testimony regarding credibility of child witness, prospective juror remarks, ambiguity in jury instructions, Defendant?s presentation of impeachment evidence
State v. Powell  (16-1022 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Warrantless search of a probationer's home; for purposes directly related to probation supervision; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-1343(b)(13); motion to suppress
State v. Williams  (16-684 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Preservation, 404(b) evidence
Weaver v. Dedmon  (16-55 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Arising out of and in the course of employment; work-related activity; negligence theory
Wilson v. Pershing, LLC  (16-803 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Dismissal Pursuant to Rules 12(b)(1), (4), and (6) of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, Motion to continue, Fraud, Constructive Fraud, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Statutes of Limitations, Discovery Rule for Fraud-based Actions
Unpublished Opinions
16 May 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 5 June 2017 

Blanton Supplies of Little River, Inc. v. William Barber, Inc. Custom Home Builder (16-916 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Default Judgment; Subcontractor's Lien
Edwards v. PCC Airfoils (16-951 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Workers' Compensation; Parson's Presumption; Issue Preservation
In re A.G. (16-1200 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Reunification Efforts.
In re Foreclosure of Rankin (16-771 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Foreclosure, Holder of Note, Mortgage, Deed of Trust
In re J.D.C. (16-1256 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Termination of Parental Rights, No Merit Brief
In re J.F. (16-1169 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Guardian Verification; Review Hearing; Visitation.
In re J.R.E. (16-1140 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Abuse, neglect, dependency
In re J.S. (16-1039 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Guardianship; Waiver of Review Hearings; Reunification; Constitutional Right to Parent.
In re: McLean (16-1173 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Mortgage; Foreclosure
Mills v. Majette (16-1145 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Motion to enforce settlement agreement; contract- meeting of the minds; statute of frauds; actual authority; apparent authority
Moses v. N.C. Indus. Comm'n (16-1197 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
NC Tort Claims Act; damages; conflict of interest; amendment of defendant-agency's name; disclosure of personal information
Posey v. Wayne Mem'l Hosp., Inc. (16-1218 - Unpublished)   Author: Per Curiam
Motion to Dismiss, Appellate Rules Violations, Abandoned Arguments, Per Curiam
State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. v. Phillips (16-162 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
auto insurance, directed verdict
State v. Boyd (16-1090 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Plain Error, Sex Offender Registry, Failing to Report Change of Address, Insufficient Evidence
State v. Brooks (16-828 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Withdrawal of Guilty Plea; Substantial Assistance
State v. Crain (16-844 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Inculpatory Statement, Miranda v. Arizona, Insufficient Evidence, Constructive Possession
State v. Ellison (16-879 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Rule 404(b) evidence, plain error
State v. Gann (15-1344-2 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Remand from Supreme Court; Remand and Resentence for Second Degree Arson.
State v. Greene (16-891 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Lay Opinion Testimony; Custodial Interrogation; Motion to Suppress
State v. Holloway (16-940 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
First-degree kidnapping, Attempted armed robbery, Fatal variance between indictment and proof, Claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, Challenge to jury instructions on first-degree kidnapping charge
State v. Hughes (16-779 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Indictment; Motion to Dismiss; Sufficiency of the Evidence; Controlled Substances Act; Precursor Materials
State v. Waters (16-985 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Robbery with a dangerous weapon.
State v. Wilkins (16-1146 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Intent to kill; assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury
State v. Wilson (16-1043 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Kidnapping; sufficiency of the evidence and jury instructions; amount of civil restitution order must be supported by the record.
Wynn v. Tyrrell Cty. Bd. of Educ. (16-1130 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Rule 12(b)(6) of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, Defamation pro se, Failure to plead defamation claim with sufficient particularly
Zeng v. Durham (16-1276 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Good cause to set aside default judgment; summary judgment; failure to timely answer counterclaim.

Filed: 2 May 2017
Mandate: 22 May 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Anders v. Universal Leaf N. Am.  (16-910 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Workers' Compensation, Hernia Injuries, Partial Disability, Parsons Presumption, Limitation Period on Claims for Additional Medical Compensation, Seagraves Test, Claimant's Failure to Prove Disability
The City of Asheville v. Frost  (16-577 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Interlocutory Appeal; Statutory Interpretation
Cole v. N.C. Dep't of Pub. Safety  (16-340 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Career state employee; just cause; unsatisfactory job performance; N.C.G.S. section 1A-1, rule 41(a)(1)
Freedman v. Payne  (16-969 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Law of the case, In Pari Delicto Doctrine
In re: J.S.C.  (16-1222 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Adjudication of Abuse and Neglect, Evidentiary Standard that applies to findings contained in consent orders
Laprade v. Barry  (16-11 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
custody, change of circumstances
State v. Cox  (16-1068 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
second-degree murder; DWI; delayed appearance before judicial official; access to witness or attorney; proximate cause of victims' death or injury; exclusion of evidence to show bias
State v. Harris  (16-874 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Past recorded recollection; hearsay; corroborative evidence; supplemental jury instructions.
State v. Johnson  (16-527 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
1st degree sexual offense with a child; sex offense by a substitute parent; unanimous jury verdict; lifetime sex offender registration NCGS 14-208.6A; Grady v. North Carolina reasonableness of lifetime Satellite Based Monitoring.
State v. Regan  (16-682 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Probation Revocation; Subject Matter Jurisdiction; N.C. Gen. Stat. 15A-1344
State v. Reynolds  (16-149 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
double jeopardy, N.C.G.S. section 14-208.11(a)
State v. Whitehurst  (16-1021 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Denial of Defendant's Request to Set Aside Plea of Guilty
US Chem. Storage, LLC v. Berto Constr., Inc.  (16-628 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to dismiss; Forum selection clause; Minimum contacts; Personal jurisdiction
WidenI77 v. NC Dep't of Transp.  (16-818 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
summary judgment; tax; delegation of power; Turnpike statute
Unpublished Opinions
2 May 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 22 May 2017 

Binkley v. Binkley (16-846 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Undue Influence; Duress; Affidavit of Correction
Bray v. Swisher (16-928 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Town Employee Personnel Files; Writ of Mandamus; Due Process
Buckner v. United Parcel Serv. (16-1110 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Workers' Compensation; Competent Evidence Standard; Occupational Disease
Cohen v. Cont'l Motors, Inc. (16-792 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
motion to dismiss; personal jurisdiction; minimum contacts; due process
Cook v. Thomas (16-712 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Willful refusal of chemical analysis related to drivers license revocation
Geoghagan v. Geoghagan (16-711 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 1A-1, Rule 54(h); interlocutory appeals; substantial right; res judicata
Grosslight v. N.C. Dep't of Transp. (16-983 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Interlocutory Appeal, Risk of Inconsistent Verdicts
In re B.D. (16-1037 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Termination of Parental Rights, No-Merit Brief
In re B.N.M. (16-1012 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Lippard v. Holleman (16-886 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
One Judge Over-ruling Another; First Amendment; Subject Matter Jurisdiction.
Medlin v. Medlin (16-863 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Equitable Distribution; Marital Property; Classification and Valuation
Oates v. Parker (16-1053 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Service of Process; Alias and Pluries Summons; Summary Judgment
Phan v. Clinard Oil Co., Inc. (16-1083 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Res judicata; Lassiter exception; Privity.
Rowe v. Rowe (16-1072 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
child custody; in-chambers interview; civil contempt order; compliance after warnings.
Rowe v. Rowe (16-1073 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
child custody; in-chambers interview with a minor; civil contempt order; compliance after warnings.
St. John v. Thomas (16-847 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Driving while impaired, License revocation hearing conducted by the DMV, Reasonable grounds to arrest person for impaired driving, Probable cause to suspect person had committed an implied consent offense, Person's willful refusal to submit to a chemical analysis of his breath
State v. Bell (16-798 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Whether confession was voluntary; inducement of hope or fear; Fifth Amendment; motion to suppress; coercion
State v. Bradley (16-917 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Evidence; Rule 404(b); jury instructions
State v. Carpenter (16-973 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to suppress; knock and talk; unpreserved issue; voluntary consent; scope of consent; adequate findings to support probation term.
State v. Cates (16-672 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Voluntary manslaughter; Motion to dismiss; Ineffective assistance of counsel; Shorthand statement of facts; Basis of expert's opinion; In camera review of sealed records.
State v. Collins (16-901 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Outside contact with a juror; mistrial; jury tampering; integrity of the jury system
State v. Daye (16-1119 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Fourth Amendment; Probable Cause; Search Warrant; Staleness
State v. Ervin (16-1126 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Plain Error; Jury Instructions; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel.
State v. Jenkins (16-717 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Jury instructional errors, fatal variances, and lessor-included offense instructions.
State v. Knolton (16-671 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Expert opinion testimony; Rule 702; Vouching
State v. Lindsey (16-742 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Chain of custody
State v. Norman (16-1005 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
State v. Pannell (16-852 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
maintaining a dwelling; manufacturing methamphetamine; motion to dismiss; NCGS § 15-11.1
State v. Perry (16-862 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Writ of certiorari; knowing and voluntary guilty plea; minimum sentence under Structured Sentencing grid; supervised probation
State v. Stroud (16-989 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Deficiencies in Trial Transcript; Harmless Error
State v. Vidovich (16-773 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Indecent liberties with child; N.C.G.S. Sec. 14-202.1
Wilson v. Ashley Women's Ctr., P.A. (16-1004 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
medical negligence; causation; expert testimony; Rule 404(b); jury instructions

Filed: 18 April 2017
Mandate: 8 May 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Boone Ford, Inc. v. IME Scheduler, Inc.  (16-750 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Chastain v. Arndt  (16-1151 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Rule 12 motions to dismiss; sovereign immunity; purchase of insurance; Tort Claims Act; public official immunity; public official versus public employee.
Dep't of Transp. v. Riddle  (16-445 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
condemnation, interlocutory appeal, determination of which of the landowner's lots constitute the entire tract affected by the taking
In re: A.B., C.B., J.B., A.B.  (16-1040 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Termination of Parental Rights; Circumstances at Time of Termination Hearing
In re: A.P.  (16-1010 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson (View Supreme Court Opinion)
standing to file a juvenile petition; subject matter jurisdiction; county of residence; nonsecure custody order.
In re: Thompson  (16-1014 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Latent error in deed of trust
In re: J.D.A.D.  (16-1076 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Termination of parental rights; NCGS 7B-1111(a)(9); parent's incarceration; findings of fact.
In re: J.K.  (16-823 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
NCGS 7B-911
In re: L.C.  (16-1009 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Juvenile adjudication; abuse, neglect, and dependency; Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination; initial dispositional hearing; ceasing reunification efforts; appropriate relative placement
Miller v. Miller  (16-486 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
equitable distribution order, subject matter jurisdiction, in-kind distribution, distributional factors, future value of timber
Moon Wright & Houston, PLLC v. Cole  (16-1046 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Interlocutory; summary judgment; bankruptcy
Page v. Chaing  (16-611 - Published)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
motion to dismiss; immunity; interlocutory
Providence Volunteer Fire Dep't, Inc. v. Town of Weddington  (16-80 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Governmental immunity; Proprietary vs Governmental functions; notice of lis pendens and preliminary injunctions.
State v. Battle  (16-1002 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Possession of a firearm by a felon; canine tracking; motion to dismiss; insufficient evidence of actual or constructive possession.
State v. Huddy  (16-904 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Unconstitutional Search of Home's Curtilage; Knock and Talk Doctrine; Community Caretaker Doctrine
State v. Little  (16-870 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Illustrative Evidence, Photographs from Social Media
State v. Malachi  (16-752 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Disjunctive jury instructions; new trial; jury instructions unsupported by the evidence.
State v. McNair  (16-707 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Breaking or entering a place of religious worship; possession of burglary tools; injury to personal property; curtilage; fatal variance in indictment; facial invalidity of indictment; constructive possession; insufficiency of the evidence.
State v. Mylett  (16-816 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Spitting; Assault on a government officer; Requisite intent
State v. Thorpe  (16-1008 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to suppress prior conviction; presumption of regularity
Terry v. The Cheesecake Factory Rests., Inc.  (16-549 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
WASCO LLC v. N.C. Dep't Of Env't & Nat. Res.  (16-414 - Published)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
NC Hazardous Waste Management; Fed - RDRA; hazardous waster permit program
Unpublished Opinions
18 April 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 8 May 2017 

Arnold v. Univ. of N.C. at Chapel Hill (16-573 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Particularized Actual Injury; Standing; Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Motion to Dismiss
Gilreath v. Cumberland Cty. Bd. of Educ. (16-927 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Career teacher dismissal; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-325; due process; equal protection; breach of contract; tortious interference with contract; intentional infliction of emotional distress; violation of § 115C-276; North Carolina constitution claims; Rule 12(b)(1); Rule 12(b)(6)
In re A.G. (16-1066 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Termination of parental rights; best interests of the child; grandparent; placement with a relative
In re M.J. (16-957 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Adjudication of Neglect; Sufficient Finding of Fact
In re R.M. (16-746 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Adjudication of Delinquency; Necessary Findings; Conceded Error
Jones v. Dep't of Pub. Safety (16-617 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Attorney's fees; Standard of review
Lovelace v. B & R Auto Serv., Inc. (16-1045 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Mesothelioma; last injurious exposure; multiple employers; challenged findings of fact;
Maniya v. Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of Am. (16-706 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Abandoned arguments; Summary Judgment; Genuine Issues of Material Fact; Judgment on the Pleadings
Rosso-Schneider v. Schneider (16-980 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Subject matter jurisdiction; Modification of child custody; Substantial change in circumstances
State v. Barrera (16-1049 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion for post-conviction DNA testing; materiality; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-269
State v. Boyd (16-715 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill--failure to instruct on lesser included offense; comments on defendant's post-arrest silence; improper flight instruction
State v. Castruita (16-1007 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion for post-conviction DNA testing; materiality
State v. Craig (16-1027 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Invalid Extension of Probation
State v. Haugabook (16-471 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Improper opinion testimony; Pre-trial motion; Failure to renew; Improper closing argument; Jury instruction; Invited error; Plain error
State v. Hill (16-744 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Lay opinion testimony; fatal indictments; jury instructions
State v. Hoeun (16-888 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to dismiss; possession of firearm by a felon
State v. Jones (16-797 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Attorneys' fees for court-appointed attorney; notice and opportunity to be heard
State v. Jones (16-842 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Plain Error; Exclusion of Witness Testimony; Closing Argument
State v. Lane (16-764 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Sexual Battery, Assault on a Female, Defendant's Right to Control Tactical Decisions Related to His or Her Defense, Allen Charge, Allegedly Coercive Jury Instructions
State v. Massey (16-868 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to Dismiss; Conspiracy Acting in Concert; Recent possession; Exclusive possession
State v. McDougald (16-574 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Robbery with a dangerous weapon; acting in concert
State v. Simmons (16-861 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Ineffective assistance of counsel; satellite-based monitoring; Grady reasonableness hearing;
State v. Smith (16-718 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to suppress; hearsay; co-conspirator statement exception
State v. Talbert (16-389 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
motion to dismiss, admission of evidence, lack of limiting instruction
State v. Williams (16-1162 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Probation violation; Anders brief
Walker v. Pharr (16-1029 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Domestic Violence Protective Order; substantial emotional distress; harassment
Wheeler v. Cent. Carolina Scholastic Sports, Inc. (16-827 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Baseball Rule, screened seating, negligence, summary judgment motion

Filed: 4 April 2017
Mandate: 24 April 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Brackett v. Thomas  (16-912 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson (View Supreme Court Opinion)
DWI; willful refusal of chemical test; administrative review; NCGS 20-16.2
Hewitt v. Hewitt  (16-16 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Constructive Fraud; Confidential Relationship; Fiduciary Relationship
In re: L.L.O.  (16-1098 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Termination of parental rights; NCGS 7B-1111(a)(1); NCGS 7B-1111(a)(2); findings of fact; conclusions of law; stream of consciousness.
In re: T.N.  (16-1011 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
UCCJEA; NCGS 50A-201 et seq.; jurisdiction; termination of parental rights.
Kelley v. Kelley  (16-425 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Denial of summary judgment; interlocutory appeal affecting substantial right; modification of a separation agreement; void ab initio contract, equal dignity; estoppel.
State v. Rice  (16-906 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
stolen firearms; constructive possession
State v. Spruiell  (16-639 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion for appropriate relief; ineffective assistance of appellate counsel; felony murder; merger doctrine; discharging weapon into occupied property
State v. Wright  (16-1017 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Armed robbery; endanger or threaten life of victim; fear of victim
Watlington v. Dep't of Soc. Servs. Rockingham Cty.  (16-1038 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
State Human Resources Act, NCGS 126-1 et seq; Title 25, Subchapters I and J of NC Administrative Code; ALJ required findings of fact and conclusions of law; just cause to terminate; back pay for procedural violation.
Unpublished Opinions
4 April 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 24 April 2017 

Cherry Cmty. Org. v. Stonehunt, LLC (16-905 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Interlocutory appeal, cancellation lis pendens, substantial right
Crabtree v. Smith (16-864 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to dismiss; Statute of Limitations; Unfair debt collection practices; Unfair trade practices; Motion to amend.
In re A.M.D. (16-943 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights, failure to make reasonable progress
In re A.P. (16-931 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Injurious Environment; Neglected Juvenile; Substantial Risk of Impairment
In re A.S. (16-1077 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Neglect; Injurious environment
In re C.M.B. (16-952 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Termination of parental rights; willful abandonment
In re D.R. (16-994 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
neglect; best interests; reunification; visitation
In re Foreclosure of Gupton (16-835 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Pre-foreclosure certification; Evidence at Hearing; Holder of a Note
In re J.H. (16-897 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Termination of parental rights; motion to continue; best interests determination
In re J.L.J. (16-1085 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Termination of parental rights; no merits brief; incarceration of parent
In re K.S.B. (16-894 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
TPR; guardian ad litem; incompetent adult; neglect
In re Smith (16-882 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
involuntary commitment; dangerous to himself or others
Law Firm of Michael A. DeMayo, LLP v. Schwaba Law Firm (16-899 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Attorney's fees; quantum meruit
Se. Real Estate & Disc. Co. v. Bank of N.C. (16-633 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to Dismiss; Assumption of lease
State v. Carroll (16-986 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
First-degree Murder; Petition for Writ of Certiorari; Motion to Locate and Preserve Evidence and for DNA Testing
State v. Castaneda-Pena (16-806 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Motion to Suppress; Automobile Exception
State v. Crews (16-902 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Second-degree Trespass; Frivolous Appeal
State v. Hart (16-784 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Motion in Limine; Rule 403; Abuse of Discretion
State v. Johnson (16-907 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Clerical Error; Identity Theft; Possession of Cocaine; Habitual Felon
State v. Lam (16-651 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Probationary Period; Petition for Writ of Certiorari; Motion to Suppress
State v. Locklear (16-900 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Untimely Notice of Appeal; Rule 4; Dismissal
State v. Martin (16-795 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, Satellite-based Monitoring, Grady v North Carolina, Motion for Appropriate Relief
State v. McCaster (16-640 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Jury Instructions; Self Defense; Plain Error; Motion for Appropriate Relief; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
State v. McNair (16-1006 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Sufficiency of Indictment; Stipulation of Prior Convictions.
State v. Nettles (16-923 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Motion to Dismiss; Petition for Writ of Certiorari; Identity of Perpetrator
State v. Palm (16-831 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
first degree kidnapping; attempted common law robbery; separate restraint or asportation; IAC per se claim
State v. Perry (16-722 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Sentencing; Mitigated Range; Harmless Error
State v. Ramey (16-876 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Statutory Rape; Mistake of Age; Jury Instruction
State v. Valentine (16-427 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
motion to suppress; exigent circumstances
State v. Walker (16-794 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
motion to suppress; search and seizure
State v. Williams (16-686 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Constructive Possession; Lesser-included Offense; Possession of Cocaine
Stonewall Constr. Servs., LLC v. Frosty Parrott Burlington, LLC (16-982 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Interlocutory appeal

Filed: 21 March 2017
Mandate: 10 April 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Bell v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.  (15-1299 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Workers' Compensation; Compensable Injury; Causal Relationship; Compensation Benefits; Trial Return to Work; Sanctions
Harris & Hilton, P.A. v. Rassette  (16-809 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Rule 3.7 of NC Rules of Professional Conduct; necessary witness; witness-advocate rule
Hildebran Heritage & Dev. Ass'n, Inc. v. The Town of Hildebran  (16-568 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Open meetings law; Partial directed verdict; Attorney's fees.
In re: R.P., Jr.  (16-856 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
?permanency planning review hearing requirements;? ?constitutionally protected status of parents;? ?requirement that a parent be found unfit for a change in guardianship placement.?
Lund v. Lund  (16-813 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Equitable distribution;appeal after remand; value of marital residence; law of the case.
Meinck v. City of Gastonia  (16-892 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Governmental immunity; lease of premises to private entity; proprietary function; slip and fall; contributory negligence; summary judgment
Porter v. Porter  (16-329 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
equitable distribution order, classification and valuation, distributive award
Rittelmeyer v. Univ. of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill  (15-1228 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
ADA, termination
State v. Bradford  (16-988 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Jury Instructions; Flight; Clerical Error
State v. Fink  (16-934 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
larceny by employee; NCGS 14-74; identity of the employer; fatal variance; Rule 404 (b) evidence; Rule 403 prejudice
State v. Garner  (16-289 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Failure to specify an entity capable of owning property on a larceny indictment;? ?arresting judgment without express justification for doing so;? ? double-jeopardy related arrest of judgment.?
State v. Jacobs  (16-464 - Published)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Evidence - Rule 412(b)
State v. Walker  (16-109 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
?preservation of an argument on appeal;? ?sufficiency of the evidence;? ?general motion to dismiss for sufficiency of the evidence;? ?specific argument for a motion to dismiss for sufficiency of the evidence.?
Terrell v. Kernersville Chrysler Dodge, LLC  (16-429 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
Denial of motion to compel arbitration
Wolski v. NC Div. of Motor Vehicles  (16-702 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Driver?s license revocation, implied-consent offense, affidavit modification, refusal to submit to testing
Unpublished Opinions
21 March 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 10 April 2017 

Crews v. Paysour (16-604 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Modification of Child Support Order; Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Trial Court Misapprehension of the Law
Crocker v. Transylvania Cty. Dep't of Soc. Servs. (16-875 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Undisclosed Witness; Just Cause for Termination.
Cty. of Harnett v. Rogers (16-757 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Fraud, reasonable reliance, unfair and deceptive trade practices, market participant interactions, summary judgment motion
Easton v. Hedgepeth (15-982 - Unpublished)   Author: Per Curiam
Statute of Limitations; Injury to Incorporeal Hereditament; Adverse Possession under Color of Title
In re C.C. (16-971 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights, dneial of motion for continuance, grounds to terminate - dependency
In re E.P.H. (16-663 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Termination of Parental Rights - Willful Abandoment
In re G.G.R. (16-898 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Trial court applied improper standard in dismissing DSS neglect/dependency petition
In re G.S. (16-648 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Cessation of reunification efforts; Guardianship appointment; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 7B-600(c).
In re G.W. (16-857 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
termination of parental rights
In re I.S.D. (16-824 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Cessation of reunification efforts; Termination of parental rights
In re M.B. (16-788 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Juveniles, Adjudication of Neglect
In re M.B. (16-866 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
TPR; reunification efforts; visitation
In re N.G.H. (16-896 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Termination of Parental rights, Trial Court's Findings were Insufficient to Support its Legal Conclusion that Termination of Respondent-Mother's Parental Rights were warranted Under N.C. Gen. Stat. 7B-1111(a)(2)
In re S.M.C. (16-681 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Termination of parental rights; Subject Matter Jurisdiction
In re T.E. (16-981 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
interlocutory; neglected juvenile
Kaska v. Progressive Universal Ins. Co. (16-729 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Physical contact requirement under uninsured motorist statute
Lewis v. Hedgepeth (15-706 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Joinder of Necessary Parties; Interlocutory Appeal
Lewis v. Hedgepeth (15-914 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Statute of Limitations; Injury to Incorporeal Hereditament; Adverse Possession under Color of Title
McLean v. King (16-624 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Civil contempt; child custody; visitation
Stamey v. Stamey (16-843 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Child Custody Modification; Contempt.
State v. Andrews (16-772 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Elements of Felony Larceny from the Person
State v. Broyles (16-853 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
DWI; sentencing; aggravating factor
State v. Echeverria (16-673 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
First degree murder, jury instruction, premeditation and deliberation
State v. Farrar (16-679 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Admission of Testimony at Trial; Prejudicial Error
State v. Glisson (16-517 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
motion to continue; ineffective assistance of counsel; first-degree murder
State v. Hensley (16-695 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
sentencing; probation point; NCGS § 15A-1340.16(a6)
State v. Morris (16-643 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion for mistrial; Sex offender registration; Aggravated offense; Satellite-based monitoring; Ineffective assistance of counsel.
State v. O'Shields (16-822 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Competency to Stand Trial; Challenge to Jury Instructions
State v. Pye (16-754 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Motion to suppress, DWI, reasonable suspicion, driver?s license checkpoint, three-point turn

Filed: 7 March 2017
Mandate: 27 March 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Harris v. N.C. Dep't of Pub. Safety  (16-341 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Standard of review of decision of ALJ; just cause; unacceptable personal conduct; use of force; NCGS 150B-51; NCGS 126-34.02
In re: C.P., C.P., J.C., J.T.  (16-808 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Guardian appointment; Parent's constitutional rights; Best interest of the juvenile; Verification of guardian's resources; N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 7B-600(c).
Key Risk Ins. Co. v. Peck  (16-872 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Third party workers' compensation claim - NCGS 97-10.2; Motion to substitute a party; Rule 17(a) Real party in interest; Abuse of discretion.
Krause v. RK Motors, LLC  (16-911 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Interlocutory appeal
Murray v. Moody  (16-763 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Workers' Compensation, N.C. Gen. Stat. 97-10.2(j), Determination of workers' compensation lien on judgment that employee obtained against third-party tortfeasor, Res Judicata
Rountree v. Chowan Cty.  (16-555 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Negligent misrepresentation, summary judgment
State v. Babich  (16-762 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
DWI; Expert Testimony; Retrograde Extrapolation; Rule 702 and Daubert Fit Test
State v. Jefferson  (16-745 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Miller v. Alabama, individualized sentencing, Eighth Amendment.
State v. Parlier  (16-724 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Miranda, Rape Shield Statute, custodial interrogation
State v. Phillips  (16-601 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Attempt to Obtain Property by False Pretenses; Motion to Dismiss
State v. Stroud  (16-59 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Felony murder; substantial evidence; plain error; underlying felonies
State v. Swink  (16-89 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
waiver of right to jury trial, knowing and voluntary
State v. Varner  (16-591 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon (View Supreme Court Opinion)
misdemeanor child abuse; corporal punishment; jury instruction regarding moderate punishment
State v. Williams  (16-592 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Sentencing for possession of two Schedule I substances under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-89; denial of motion to suppress
Thompson v. Town of White Lake  (16-104 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Standards of Review of Board of Adjustment Decisions;? ?Motion to dismiss and final judgments;? ?Zoning decisions.?
The Times News Publ'g Co. v. The Alamance-Burlington Bd. of Educ.  (16-588 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Public Records Act; Open Meetings Law; public records request for access to minutes or general account of school board meeting
Ward v. Ward  (16-832 - Published)   Author: Judge Hunter Murphy
Implied-in-fact contract; equitable powers; partition
Unpublished Opinions
7 March 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 27 March 2017 

Doe v. Catawba Coll. (16-394 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
judgment on the pleadings; NCGS § 1A-1, Rule 12(c)
Grubbs v. Grubbs (16-129 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Rule 11 Sanctions.
In re R.A.S. (16-805 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Juvenile delinquency; Sexual battery; Subject matter jurisdiction.
Lee v. Collins (16-789 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Summary judgment; dog bite; premature; genuine issue of material fact
Snyder v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (16-309 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Workers' compensation disability benefits; reasonable efforts to obtain employment; sufficiency of finding
State v. Baker (16-453 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to dismiss; Serious physical injury.
State v. Baker (16-645 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Motion to Suppress, statutory mandate
State v. Bouknight (16-544 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Motion to suppress, Terry frisk, reasonable suspicion, criminal history
State v. Brooks (16-674 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Sale and delivery of cocaine; Motion to Dismiss; Fatal variance
State v. Carlton (16-880 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Anders brief following Alford plea; misdemeanor assault on a government official, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-33(c)(4).
State v. Dominguez (16-919 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to preserve evidence; Anders v. California.
State v. Edwards (16-974 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
safecracking, NCGS 14-89.1(b)unlawfully removes; acting in concert; motion to dismiss for insufficient evidence.
State v. Holden (16-685 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Felony breaking and entering; Lesser included offense; Ineffective assistance of counsel.
State v. Hostetler (16-680 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Defendant's right to appeal following a guilty plea, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1444(a2); subject matter jurisdiction; State's motion to dismiss defendant's appeal.
State v. Isley (16-401 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Motion in Limine; Motion to Suppress
State v. Marshall (16-731 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Impasse; Trial Tactics; Motion to Continue
State v. Moose (16-867 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
False pretenses; Motion to dismiss; Circumstantial evidence.
State v. Morrison (16-942 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Anders brief following Alford plea; writ of certiorari; defendant's right to appeal following a guilty plea, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1444; possession of a firearm by a felon, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-415.1; State's motion to dismiss defendant's appeal.
State v. Muhammad (16-306 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to suppress; Preservation of issues; Constitutional objection; Ineffective assistance of counsel.
State v. Oxner (16-859 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Denial of motion to suppress; redacted search warrant application; lay opinion testimony on Defendant's guilt; hearsay evidence ABC permit database; plain error review; Rule 2.
State v. Roa (16-769 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Consolidation of offenses, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1340.15(b); Clerical error in the judgment
State v. Rojas (16-802 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Traffic Stop; Dog Sniff.
State v. Santana (16-691 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Motion to Dismiss; Sufficient Evidence.
State v. Saunders (16-825 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Discharging a firearm into an occupied vehicle that is in operation, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-34.1(b); Knowledge requirement.
State v. Shepherd (16-935 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Presentation of issue on appeal; Substantial Evidence.
State v. Williams (16-855 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
State v. Williamson (16-820 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Indecent liberties with a child; question from the jury; consent to supplemental jury instruction; deficient performance of counsel.

Filed: 21 February 2017
Mandate: 13 March 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Gurganus v. Gurganus  (16-163 - Published)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
summary judgment; equitable distribution; NCGS § 50-20.1; subject matter jurisdiction
Hauser v. Hauser  (16-606 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Tortious interference with an expected inheritance; constructive fraud; breach of fiduciary duty; demand for an accounting
In re: J.T.  (16-774 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Evidence required for permanency planning and termination of parental rights.
Li v. Zhou  (16-755 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Contempt Order; Attorney's Fees; Proper Purpose of Discovery.
State v. China  (16-721 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Evidence of Restraint to Support Kidnapping Charge
State v. Gullette  (16-815 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Trial Court did no Violate a Statutory Mandate
State v. Hyman  (16-398 - Published)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Conflict of interest; MAR; ineffective assistance of counsel
Town of Belville v. Urb. Smart Growth, LLC  (16-817 - Published)   Author: Judge Phil Berger Jr.
Motion to Compel Arbitration, waiver, contractual rights
Williams v. Rojano  (16-6 - Published)   Author: Judge Wanda Bryant
Statute of Limitations; Motion to Dismiss; Continuing Wrong Doctrine
Unpublished Opinions
21 February 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 13 March 2017 

Bank of Ozarks v. Kings Mountain Props., LLC (16-739 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Summary Judgment; Bankruptcy, Deed in lieu of foreclosure, accord and satisfaction release.
Church v. Norelli (16-799 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Claim for Defamation, Sufficiency of Complaint
Huckabee v. Roberts (16-603 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Appeal of criminal contempt order, attorney fee award
In re B.W.S. (16-850 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Termination of Parental Rights, Neglect, Best Interest of the Juveniles
In re Foreclosure of Adams (16-653 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Non-judicial foreclosure; proper service; status as holder of note
In re O.J.W. (16-783 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Whether termination of parental rights was in the best interest of juveniles; Consideration of any relevant factor under N.C. Gen. Stat. 7B-1110(a)(6)
In re R.L.D. (16-821 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; Termination of Parental Rights
In re V.G. (16-733 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Jurisdiction; Indian Child Welfare Act; Termination of parental rights; Neglect
Kennedy v. Harris Teeter (16-727 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
maximum medical improvement; disability; Parson presumption
Lynn v. Futrell (16-743 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Child Custody; Substantial Change in Circumstances; Child's Best Interests
Mastny v. Mastny (16-440 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Custody modification; substantial change in circumstances; best interests
Penninga v. Travis (16-751 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Statutory findings required for attorney's fees in civil contempt action; impermissibly vague purge conditions in contempt order.
State v. Baker (16-708 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Removal of appointed counsel; joinder of offenses; admission of evidence under Rule 404(b)
State v. Byrd (16-619 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Fifth Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination
State v. Clay (16-564 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Search & Seizure; Cell Phone; voluntary; suppress
State v. Davis (16-288 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
expert testimony Rule 702; vouching for witness; mistrial
State v. Higgins (16-404 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Photographic Evidence; Jury Instructions; Plain Error
State v. Hudson (16-431 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Conflicting jury instruction, burden of proof
State v. Hudson (16-571 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Jury instructions, jury verdict
State v. Lassiter (15-1216 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Sufficiency of the Evidence; Embezzlement
State v. Little (16-480 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Motion for post conviction DNA testing
State v. Mace (16-703 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
driving while impaired, denial of motion to suppress, clarifying jury instruction
State v. Mack (16-561 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
State v. Modlin (16-634 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Imposition of Satellite-Based Monitoring, Grady reasonableness hearing
State v. Norris (16-683 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Probation Revocation, Absconding, Clerical Errors in Judgments Revoking Probation
State v. Pitt (16-709 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Rule 404 Character Evidence; Confrontation Clause; Non-Testimonial Statement; Closing Argument
State v. Stewart (16-347 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Closing arguments
Stowers v. Parker (16-747 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Interlocutory appeal; Legal malpractice; Summary judgment.
Wrightsville Health Holdings, LLC v. Buckner (16-726 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Existence of contract; motion to dismiss

Filed: 7 February 2017
Mandate: 27 February 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Burns v. Kingdom Impact Global Ministries, Inc.  (15-1313 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Quiet title action; Standing as trustees for a non-incorporated religious entity; Discovery sanctions
Fagundes v. Ammons Dev. Grp., Inc.  (16-776 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Exclusivity of Workers' Compensation Act; Court-Created Exceptions; Employment in an Ultrahazardous Activity
Holmes v. Associated Pipe Line Contractors, Inc.  (16-593 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
N.C. Industrial Commission; Jurisdiction; Last Act Test; Drug Test
In re: D.E.P.  (16-838 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Juvenile delinquency disposition order - trial court not required to make findings that refer to all the factors listen in N.C.G.S. 7B-2501(c)
In re: Collins  (16-655 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Foreclosure by Power of Sale, N.C. Gen, Stat. 45-21.16, Affidavit Based on Personal Knowledge of Lender's Possession of Note, Lender was Successor by Merger to Holder of Note Secured by Deed of Trust at Issue, Lender was Holder of Note
Jackson/Hill Aviation, Inc. v. Town of Ocean Isle Beach  (16-396 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss; Review Limited to Four Corners of Complaint; No Judicial Notice of Municipal Ordinances
Perry v. Bank of Am., N.A.  (16-234 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Declaratory Judgment Act; Actual Controversy; Discretion to Decline Request for Declaratory Judgment; Claim under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 45?36.9
Reed v. Carolina Holdings  (15-1034 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Workers? Compensation; Attendant Care Compensation; Attorney?s fee awards; and Preservation of issues on appeal
State v. Brody  (16-336 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Search Warrant; Motion to Suppress; Sufficiency of Affidavit to Establish Probable Cause; Confidential Informant
State v. Cholon  (16-4 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; State v. Harbison; Motion for Appropriate Relief
State v. Downey  (16-302 - Published)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Reasonable Suspicion to Extend Traffic Stop
State v. Frazier  (16-449 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Negligent child abuse, indictment amendment, substantial alteration
State v. Glisson  (16-426 - Published)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Sufficiency of the evidence; Global motion to dismiss for insufficiency of the evidence; and multiple conspiracy charges.
State v. McLean  (16-484 - Published)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
vouching; hearsay; expert witness fees; robbery with a dangerous weapon; discharging a firearm witin an enclosure
State v. Parisi  (16-635 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
DWI-implied consent offense; pre-trial motion to suppress; state's appeal; jurisdiction.
State v. Rogers  (16-48 - Published)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Motion to dismiss; Plain error; Improper opinion; Testimony; Hearsay; Prior bad acts
State v. Wilson-Angeles  (16-677 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Rule 404(b) evidence to show intent; ineffective assistance of counsel; voluntary intoxication, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15-A-1340.16(a6)'s notice requirement
T & A Amusements, LLC v. McCrory  (16-161 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to Dismiss; Sovereign Immunity; Waiver; Justiciable Controversy; Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
Tropic Leisure Corp. v. Hailey  (15-1254-2 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Full Faith and Credit; Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgment Act; Due Process; Opportunity to be Heard; Right to Appear with Counsel
Unpublished Opinions
7 February 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 27 February 2017 

Abdin v. CCC-Boone, LLC (16-17 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Expert testimony necessary to establish proximate cause; Summary judgment; Property damage; Flooding damage.
Bizzarro v. Cty. of Ashe (16-211 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
jurisdiction; NCGS § 160A-393(c)
Bruns v. Bryant (16-699 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Jurisdiction; Third-party Claimants; Interlocutory Appeals.
Cramer v. Perry (16-375 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Notice of Appeal; Timeliness; Rule 3 of N.C. R. App. P.
Dawkins v. Wilmington Tr. Co. (16-240 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Interlocutory appeal; Collateral Estoppel; Foreclosure Proceeding
Edwards v. Cole (16-395 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Rule 58 Entry of Judgment - DVPO was not signed by trial judge and thus was not entered
G.S.C. Holdings, LLC v. McCrory (16-160 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to Dismiss; Sovereign Immunity; Justiciable Controversy; Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
In re C.A.W. (16-668 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Termination of Parental Rights; Best Interests Analysis; Consideration of Alternative Placement Options
In re D.A.W. (16-719 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Termination of Parental Rights; Burden of Proof.
In re E.C. (16-736 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Guardianship; Language of Trial Court's Order
In re Foreclosure of Iannucci (16-738 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Non-judicial Foreclosure; Admissibility of Affidavit; Business Records Exception; Lost Note Statute
In re H.S. (16-749 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Writ of Certiorari; Reunification Efforts; Parent's Constitutional Status.
In re J.H. (16-732 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Termination of parental rights, lack of reasonable progress, compliance with case plan
In re P.M. (16-775 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Appeal from order adjudicating minor child as a neglected and dependent juvenile; setting conditions to be met prior to visitation by parent
In re R.D. (16-660 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Neglect of Juvenile; Abuse of Sibling.
In re S.C.H. (16-790 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Abuse and Neglect, Notice of Grounds for Adjudication
In re T.Y. (16-623 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Termination of parental rights; neglect
In re Wadsworth (16-370 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
In re Y.L.M.C. (16-662 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Termination of parental rights, subject matter jurisdictions, findings of fact, lack of reasonable progress, language and cultural barriers
In re Z.A.W. (16-833 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Termination of Parental Rights
Parker v. Colson (16-780 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Rule 54(b) Certification; Interlocutory Order; Appellate Jurisdiction
State v. Adams (16-397 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Jury instruction; aggravating factor; plain error review.
State v. Arnold (16-667 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Sufficiency of the Indictment.
State v. Brockington (16-516 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Criminal Conspiracy; Restitution.
State v. Cesnik (16-590 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Mistrial, Cross-Examination.
State v. Crowder (16-269 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Sufficiency of Indictment; Obtaining Property by False Pretenses; Arresting Judgment; Larceny and Possession of a Stolen Vehicle; Remand for Resentencing
State v. Hargett (16-452 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Richard Dietz
Motion to Suppress; Late-Night Knock-and-Talk; Probable Cause; Exigent Circumstances
State v. Rogers (16-15 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Lucy Inman
Jury instructions; prejudicial error; and amended jury instruction.
State v. Symmes (16-579 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
attempted murder; motion to dismiss; premeditation; deliberation
State v. Thompson (16-459 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge John Tyson
officer's provision of lay opinion testimony, plain error, preserved error.
State v. Weaver (16-378 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Linda McGee
Sixth Amendment; right to public trial; Sexual assault
Terry v. State of N.C. (16-153 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Vested Contractual Rights; State Troopers; Contracts Clause of U.S. Constitution; Law of the Land Clause
Weston Medsurg Ctr., PLLC v. Blackwood (16-621 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough

Filed: 17 January 2017
Mandate: 6 February 2017
Zip File of Published Opinions

Case Title / Description
Banks v. Hunter  (16-666 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
Subject matter jurisdiction; mortgage; promissory note default; deed of trust; foreclosure.
Brookline Residential, LLC v. City of Charlotte  (16-202 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Obligation of City to Call Infrastructure Bond; Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
Edwards v. Edwards  (16-346 - Published)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Equitable distribution, admissibility of ad valorem tax values to value real property in an equitable distribution.
Mitchell v. Pruden  (16-428 - Published)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
public official immunity; 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss; interlocutory
RME Mgmt., LLC v. Chapel H.O.M. Assocs., LLC  (16-596 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Summary Ejectment Action, Summary Judgment, Real Property, Leases/Contracts, Property Taxes, Meaning of When Due as that phrase relates to lessee's obligation to pay property taxes on a leased premises
S. Shores Realty Servs., Inc. v. Miller  (16-557 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
LLC - Piercing Corporate Veil
Smith v. Polsky  (16-605 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Voluntary Dismissal of Claims, Denial of Motion In Limine Based upon the defense of Res Judicata, Interlocutory Appeal
State v. Burton  (16-343 - Published)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; Ready Mobility of a Car; Incriminating Statements; Reading Warrant to Two Defendants
State v. Evans  (16-629 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Right to Speedy Trial
State v. Greene  (15-1060 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
larceny from the person, motion to dismiss, conspiracy to possess stolen property, hearsay testimony, ineffective assistance of counsel, jury instructions, arrest judgment
State v. Johnson  (16-491 - Published)   Author: Judge Linda McGee (View Supreme Court Opinion)
Miranda, Confession, Voluntary, Hope or Fear
State v. Mobley  (16-545 - Published)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Defendant's Competency to be Tried, Necessity for Evaluation
State v. Silva  (16-278 - Published)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
NCGS § 15A-928C(c) - arraignment
Tater Patch Est. Home Owner's Ass'n v. Sutton  (16-787 - Published)   Author: Judge John Tyson
HOA, assessments, re-combined lots, lack of access
Thompson v. Int'l Paper Co.  (15-1383 - Published)   Author: Judge Donna Stroud
workers comp, attendant care services, prescribed by authorized health care provider
Williams v. Advance Auto Parts, Inc.  (16-625 - Published)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Amending Complaint; Adding New Defendant; Statute of Limitations.
Unpublished Opinions
17 January 2017  - Rule 30e - Zip File of Unpublished Opinions
Mandate: 6 February 2017 

Almason v. Almason (16-258 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Alimony; Equitable Distribution; Abuse of Discretion; Valuation of Divisible Property.
Baker v. Gibbons (16-417 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Rick Elmore
Summary Judgment, Negligence
Brewington v. N.C. Agric. & Tech. State Univ. (15-1331 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Unacceptable Personal Conduct; Dismissal of State Employee; Just Cause
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Berry (16-520 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission; Statutory Interpretation.
Hatton v. Garrett (15-1322 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Mark Davis
Motion to Modify Custody Order; Substantial Change in Circumstances; Attorney's Fees
In re E.S.E. (16-616 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Robert Hunter Jr.
Termination of Parental Rights.
State v. Andrew (16-512 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Robbery, possession of firearm, attorney?s fees
State v. Esteban (16-716 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
failure to properly establish jurisdiction of the court from which appeal was taken in the record on appeal
State v. Fiabema (16-560 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Second degree kidnapping, probation violations, Anders review
State v. James (16-314 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
robbery, possession of a firearm by a felon; ineffective assistance of counsel, request for substitute counsel denied by trial court
State v. Kersey (16-654 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
request for substitute counsel at resentencing hearing
State v. Lanham (16-387 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Sex offender registry, failure to change address, living 1,000 ft. within school, plain error review
State v. Miles (16-562 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Second degree murder, driving while impaired, malice requirement, sentencing
State v. Moss (16-665 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
felony breaking and entering, felony larceny; sufficiency of the evidence; jury instructions
State v. Poteat (16-535 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
Drug trafficking offenses, habitual felon status, Anders review
State v. Searls (16-676 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
carrying a concealed handgun, Anders v. California
State v. Sutton (16-405 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Ann Calabria
Motion to dismiss; Jury instructions; Motion for mistrial
State v. Taylor (16-723 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Chris Dillon
statutory enacting clauses and subject matter jurisdiction, indictments, calculation of prior record level, ineffective assistance of counsel, competence to stand trial
State v. Williams (16-229 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Douglas McCullough
coercion, jury verdicts NCGS § 15A-1235(c); indictment; subject matter jurisdiction
Thornton v. C & J Carriage House (16-538 - Unpublished)   Author: Judge Valerie Zachary
Workers' Compensation, Additional Medical Treatment Related to an Original Compensable Injury, The Parsons Presumption, Request for Sanctions to be Imposed Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure